Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

In 1969 McDonnell Douglas had been granted a license to manufacture the Harrier in the United States when the USMC placed its first order for the aircraft, and in 1971 Pratt & Whitney received a similar license for production of the Pegasus engine.

Source: World Air Power Journal - Volume 32 - Aerospace Publishing Ltd

They were giving the licence but never made any
The unique Pegasus engine powers all versions of the Hawker Siddeley Harrier multi-role military aircraft. Rolls-Royce licensed Pratt & Whitney to build the Pegasus for US built versions. However Pratt & Whitney never completed any engines, with all new build being manufactured by Rolls-Royce in Bristol, England.

Bristol-Siddeley Pegasus Mk. 5 Turbofan Engine | National Air and Space Museum.


Can you DM me the photo as well? I’d like to see it.

I guess it was most likely for servicing and parts production to maintain the engines

possibly the Americans still used it today but bought all of our old ones for parts

Mehhhh probably fake ^^’

Idk the gun looks different from the RAM II. If it is a fake then the person is a really good editor.


me too, hope that it gets added to the Barak II this update.

Uh <<

Iirc the Python 4 never had a sheeker shut off kind of IRRCM.
It has a dual-band (UV+IR) + IFOV for IRCCM.
But since dual band isn’t implemented in game they decided to give it shut off instead in the game.

I’m interested to see if it will get the targeting pod so the laser guided bombs are possible

no it has shut off irl

the IR sensor thing shuts off when flares are acknowledged by the missile and it focuses only the UV one



That’s not seeker shut off though
The seeker is still on except it doesn’t track in IR but UV hence the dual band seeker.

9M in game has seeker shut off, meaning that seeker stops tracking and engages the inertial navigation for the time countermeasures are in seeker’s FoV. Once the CMs are gone, the seeker is re-engaged and missile continues operation in normal manner

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I would be interested to find out if Magic 2 Mk2 with its seeker upgrade would be something similar to that then. It also would mean that Python 4 would probably be delayed yet again from coming into the game.

so semi shut off

they can still do that in game tho

Gripen C (2006) like Gripen A but addition IR AAM with IRCCM & maneuverability 60G, better radar (PS-05/A Mk.3), 3rd generation targeting pod (Rafael Litening III) and NATO-compatible

I hope gaijin not forget considered change targeting pod from Litening II to Litening III on SAAF Gripen C in the first major update

you all are saying that somehow because its not possible currently they again SOMEHOW can’t make the scripts for this