Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

750 HP? Casually missing 450 HP? Am I missing something here?

We got the prototype (based on the M60A1 hull), not the planned (but never built) 1200hp engine with Abrams transmission

Eyyy 200 more messages before part 4 lmao, that was quick

Is there any proof that the built prototype didn’t have the upgraded engine? Everything I see mentions the 1200 HP engine.

Also why TF are we getting a 13.3 HP/tonne tank at ~10.0, that thing is so dead that it’s not even funny…Super M60 would have been far better.

Even if the prototyoe with an upgraded engine wasn’t built, we should have gotten it since Russia gets Yak-141, Japan gets F-16AJ…

We should have the AN/APG-63 PSP on the WT F-15A but for some reason we only have the AN/APG-63, im not sure if it can guide ARHs.

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@Smin1080p sorry for the ping, do you know if the “TAC view” they showed in the replay is going to be limited to Air battles only or if it’s going to appear in ground and (maybe) sea battles too ?

Sorry if the question has already been asked. I basically missed the entire thread X)

T1E1 90mm, M38, KV-7, and CV9035 (might be a bit biased towards this one) would be an absolute dream.

but for france??

It’s fine at 10.0, will play similar to the Chieftain Mk.10 but even better thanks to the 5s reload and M829A1.


WTF am i coming back to lmao

FOX-3 test event on the dev server.

They confirmed theyre coming for next patch, not this one, in a Devblog.


honestly with a few twics they can easily come this patch, they are not that strong

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He’s on vacation.

to my knowledge they’re very buggy atm with DL not working and them being launched in “Pitbull” mode alongside being just generally all over the place stats wise.

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there are couple “mistakes” spotted in the list , wouldn’t be suprised if it doesn’t go to france

so is gaijin gonna add the RB99 during the Fox 3 event testing for the JAS39A? or just leave sweden mains waiting till the next major update be cause why not, even after telling them that adding the JAS39C will not make a difference (turns out it will lol).

This is great actually, it means i dont have to bother getting Settsu,Hyuga,Fuso and Ise, and can just get her straight away as i have tali´d Kongo. I said she will be there and there it is,so i am super happy.

ha my bad

yeah they are really bugged, and extremely easy to notch. If they come in june I hope they implement them stronger then now for sure

i personnaly SERIOUSLY disagre , but guess everybody has he’s opinion