Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

even though this is an olivia leak i struggle to believe it, maybe it’s a mistake like on the alpha jet leak

it just makes absolutely 0 sense

or it’ll be stuck in the files for 8 years

I’m happy to see new vehicles in the French tree but a CV 90-35 when there are many other French vehicles which would have been perfect in its place I don’t know what to think about it
It reminds me of the story with the ItO 90M in the French tree, too easy copy and paste


be ready to Gaijin adding the Boxer to France instead of TT VBCI


Original F-15A didn’t have AIM-120 capability. However we do have the MSIP version as denoted by it having flares, so that means it could actually carry 10. 2 sets of twin pylons on each wing (8 total) plus 4 on fuselage points for a total of 12.

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well it is still WIP mica isn’t even modelled yet

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Can the PSP radar be used to guide ARHs?

Honestly, I wouldn’t put too much stock in the the current dev server performance of the MRAAMs. The only ones I’ve been able to test are the R-77 and AIM-120A, but for both of them datalink seems completely broken and they overfly their target. ATM they just seem to go active off the rail if the “Tacview” replay slideshow is to be believed.


Budapest map

Ok if gaijin hq isnt in that were gonna be so angry

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a Unimog, you have my interest



still gon pen tho

As a german main, I was genuinely surprised that they gave Germany an SPAA for 6.0, but I still welcome the addition. 4x30mm is gonna be interesting, especially with the 77mm HVAP pen

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that thing gon be really good as long as nobody shoots you

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Cruiser Ram 1 for Britain


Not really… and barely!

3BM60 severely struggles, and damage upon penetration is minimal.

Thank you Gaijin, THANK YOU!

As long as someone with a 50cal doesnt actually touch the spacebar, but yeah looks like a cool machine.

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you don’t need a .50

that thing can be destroyed by a Nimrod