Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Which refit improved her armour. Everything up to that refit i think would be fine currently so I’m not sure why they’ve selected this refit. Perhaps they will later give Japan a second refit?

Probably later today.

it isnt, the german one has the ecm atennas etc

Thats dumb then.

from what we gathered its missing countermeasures and double pylon dumb rocket rack


there was a 4.0 French boat so im gussing early destroyer or a frigate

So North Holland is literally just an Eastern Europe reskin

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Welp another disappointing update that gaijin will inevitably have to make more bs pr statements about.

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while he sits right before the vehicles so we dont even see what else might be added and can ask questions like he said lol

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1936 rebuild that both ships went through. Likely going to see her bigger sister in the very post-rebuild '44 or '45 refits with overwhelming anti-aircraft armament. (and also three different types of radar which probably wont be modeled lmao)
Still wish she was as she appeared in 1932/33 with the outdated pom-poms and curved funnel.

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Alpha strike - more like operation “Wallet Strike”.


the other guy there again btw?

iirc he wasn’t there last dev stream

Nice Israel is getting 16x SPIKE-ER

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Not remotely

Type 1934A, but french

1932/33 sounds pretty good then, like Britain they refuse to give you guys ships with modern AA.

challenger 2 damage model on its way it seems

no one is force to buy premium vehicles though so…


This was really rude, I’m sorry @Rowiek


They did France ground dirty this update