Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

what are u talkin bout here :))))

I played both r60 and 9L and I can confidently tell you that R60 if launched correctly it will grape!

DCS is known to have problems with modelling IR missiles

in some aspects like for example regarding clouds and the sun they’re modelled even worse than in Warthunder

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lmao even


I don’t give a damn about A-10s, they suck. I just want A-4s because it’s my favorite plane.

I know I am biased, but at the same time it’s kinda odd that, in the regular tech tree, there’s still only one variant (and the 2nd earliest one) of one of the longest running production jets the US has ever had, and with so many different variants all across the globe.

The A-4E should’ve been tech tree because it was probably the biggest update the A-4 saw in it’s production history. But no, Gaijin had to make it a squadron plane, instead of using one of the dozens of foreign A-4s.

I’m coping hard rn lmao

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This is just cope


I played them too

im not new to missiles, however the jump from 9J to 9L took years and going from 9M to 9X/IRIS-T will also take years

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turans help alot

Don’t quote me on it but i’d bet sweden gets Gripen E when Rafale and Typhoon drop in a ‘Eurocanard’s’ update. Then it will have a much better radar than either of the initial Rafale/Typhoons.

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not even DCS claims that

this is like the N⁰1 complaint on the DCS forums

There’s possibility that 5th generation infrared Air-to-Air Missile for fighter aircraft 13.3 BR & higher

I might expect Python 4 replacement AIM-9M sidewinder & AIM-7M Sparrow on F-16D Block 40 Barak this major update

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irl just 115-some years ago the first aircraft was invented, now we have F22s with probably radar search of 800kms and missiles that have A PUBLIC RANGE of 350kms. That just answers it.

No but jets are modelled as they should

find another wall to Talk to, I clock out


im ok with r77 never being used but having the range they say in their propaganda, thats ok by me, but DCS is just better

Me when the Sea Harrier FRS.1 was added as a Squadron vehicle instead of the FRS.51

I hope dev stream show something good for the URSS; i can already feel disappointment from the pretty much confirmed T-80UD.

SU25-SM3 was shown in the trailer.


My mom says I’m special :)



Im taller than the other kids



Respect. From a plane-tism level, I get it. I’m dying for the Su-30’s to come in all their flavors, as that is my favorite plane. But yeah, sorry these Su-25’s trigger you. It’s a utilitarian thing for USSR/Ru. Hopefully you get what you want some day bro.