Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

my guy they will add them

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you sure love that meme

i do

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He does

Let’s bet:

French Alpha jet gonna cost twice repair cost and be 2.0BR up of the German one.

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AMRAAMs next patch :(

does it have better arms

Least salty french main


It would have been better if you added at least 1 unique domestic aircraft at the start

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if it’s the Upgraded one with Guided weapons then yes

Why would it be twice the repair cost?

wdym no, f20 can carry amraams LOL

Wait until you find out how many F-4 Phantoms we have :O


plsu the trailer is so short that it clearly doesnt show everything

oui, je bet 1 SL for that

I think the devs are still implementing Problems/reports from 2-3 years ago… So will probably be a while til (lil) sweden will get a good mid tier SPAA akin to the Duster or Ostwinds

and there are still some left to add!

Everyone has strike aircraft with thermals unless ussr, “Severe Russian bias”

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Depend the variant they gonna give us.

BTW Russia getting BMPT (forgot this name…)?
They don’t have enough light at high tier ? :(

yeah because f4s are so good

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