Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Am I the only person who liked the Silent Thunder event from years back?

I’d like to see ww1 → Semi-modern attack subs make their way to the game eventually

Also expansion of early cold-war era aircraft (1945-1960)

WW1 additions might be interesting, but it could be hard to implement them so they aren’t ass to play.

Hopefully some top-tier weapon-type additions. I’d like to see CBUs, AntiRAD, ASHMs, etc implemented in a way that’s still fun and hopefully not totally lopsided.

And maybe a PVE Co-op game mode with a top-tier focus like heli PVE but less ass and more varied.


We already have such a mode, though it is exclusively in arcade mode.

Its also not good. Literally just shoot the wall of bombers and shoot the grid of totally defenseless artillery.

I want AI that can fight back, hopefully make use of the bots that can shoot missiles and all those SAM systems they’ve got modeled but not implemented.

And it should be hard enough that the rewards gained are competitive with playing air RB for 6 minutes rather than +500rp after playing for 30 minutes.

I would really oppose any form of BENELUX before other themes are explored first. Pan-Arab, Yugoslavia or LATAM should come first, but BENELUX isn not too bad as well.

I see

I imagine you’d only be able to so it in select operator countries, but yeah a pipe dream

Yugoslavia isn’t comparable to LATAM or Arab league, because it was an actual country in modern history.

I find the Arab concept to be terrible though and wouldn’t like to see it.
Similar case to LATAM, but those people are so starved for content that I’d allow it. I’d much rather ABC tree, but it is what it is.


Personally, I think the Middle Eastern nations can make up a few different tech trees with Iran being the Major one.

Iran isn’t Arab, but it would be a good independent Israeli styled tree

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I worded that wrong, I meant Middle Eastern lol

I’ve seen ideas like this before scrap the TTs but people point out it just ends with people making a line-ups of the best vehicles in the game and rarely play anything else.

Similar to why I’m against multi-nation trees with a large number of nations like a “Commonwealth tree”

Plus the added lesser-seen nation in military games would make Gaijin tons of money when marketing it to those nations. Things like the lesser-seen Eastern European nations (Poland, Chezsovakia, Yougoslave, Romnia) or the remaining British dominions (Canada, Australia, New Zealand) basically nations that have an online presence.

This can easily be seen with sub-tree popularity with Finland and Hungary being more popular than South Africa.

UK’s sub-tree might have been more popular is it was the ANZACs of Canada but now all we have for them is to push for a tree for both or one of them and the other being a sub-tree of that one.


But what would Iran add to the table to justify a tree for them and an Arab tree?

Wouldn’t 95% be copy paste? Maybe with things like “this one has its side skirts removed” “this one has an extra m60 mounted on the top” “this one has 5 more ERA panels over the Russian version”

It’s not that compelling, at least with my knowledge of what is used by Iran

I mean the Karrar looks nice, but it alone wouldn’t justify a whole new tree

It would have quite a lot of aviation and ground modifications, you’d be surprised.

Inshallah teaser tomorrow.
More inshallah it’ll be Yugoslavia air reveal.

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I’ll have to agree with Mahiwew. All the Arab trees I’ve seen are as bad as the Commonwealth ones and all haven’t shown much promise.

As for LATAM I’d rather them be like how I’d rather the Commonwealth split up into a handful of tech-trees instead of one giant one that exists just to limit C&P.

And Mahiwew said all that is needed for Yugoslavia.

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How many R/Rs have you quoted this in? Every single one since they said it?

Confirming they plan on adding new nations is about as exciting as them saying then plan on adding more vehicles.

Nothing points to a new nation this patch, or even soon.

I just think other Nations/Tree’s should get priority

It’s marketing. The interview was promotional.

It’s true from a certain point of view-- there are games that feature military combat vehicles that have smaller total rosters than a single WT update (think about the number of different vehicles in a Battlefield game, for example). In that sense the claim is true. Though yeah, I’d agree that it’s not the same to say that a single WT update actually has as much content as a whole game.

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Other than the statements that more will come and that research bonuses when completing a tree could work in tandem with a new nation soon…

Or the fact that with War Thunder’s financial model it would only make sense?

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Agreed, but Iran definitely has some cool and fairly famous models.

Things like Iranian F-14s armed with Eastern missiles, Zulfiqar family, Karrar, Makran, there’s plenty to point at.