Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Any guesses to what the theme of the teaser could be though? I doubt thats the Hungarian Air Force subtree, but nothing on either the current devs or leak lists seems to be able to be the big shot.

Not sure myself, but the leak list seems less modern era centred than usual

So guess Sweden is getting a King tiger… Id rather have any Swedish SPAAs!

I’m sick of this crap, Sweden is beginning to become china darnit!

Usually it would then be a bunch of vehicles running around and blowing each other up, which I would guess would be this updates. There are not a vehicle right now we know either through devs or leaks that is influential enough or hyped up enough like the A-10, F-14 or Su-25.

The F-20 kind of is

I would hope it is a LCA/Advanced Trainer focussed update, but so far the Alpha Jet is the only one on the leak list

As Shin just mentioned tho, the F-20 will probably be selling like hot cakes

Well, true, but not as famous as the warthog frogfoot or tomcat so I doubt that the whole thing is about it, but that is a good point I didnt thought of. If the leaks are true it is most certainly in the teaser at the very least.

So, Dev stream tomorrow, teaser today

Shark attack 😏

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Or teaser tomorrow, dev Friday

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Shark Attack II: Electric Boogaloo

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If that was the case teaser shouldve been out by now. Or its dropping anytime

F-20 is also a light combat aircraft too. Alpha jet and then AMX from the last update, which could be but I doubt so.

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Its usually 18-19 GMT, take a nap dude

I wouldn’t be surprised if somehow, an Area 88 reference (or multiple) is/are made with both the devblog/trailer

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Its 15:02 for me. i live in sweden

Oh im dumb

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We had
HUGF: Sons of Attila(which gaijin didnt really know the true sons of Attila is more like Bulgaria, but hey, lets not look into the detail that much)
HUAF: The Scourge of God(???)

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I mean it’s decently famous and popular, ya know, being the whole “greatest fighter jet never built” (or whatever the exact quote was lmao). Wasn’t the update last march about the Yak-141 a bit too haha, it was the poster child for the update I think, memory’s a bit foggy tho. Sounds like it’s the tigersharks turn possibly.

Sir, it’s Wednesday.

Sir, it’s WEdNesDaY’s.

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