Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

oh pls god put them into spoilers

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Are you know saying the whole website is fake

oh i dont, you just give the proofs for that yourself

Look At My Bombers Boy

I’m wondering that myself. Some people can’t resist the urge to reply when in an argument. Hopefully they’ll stop soon.

I’ve been trying to steer the topic back to Canada tree out of desperation. Off topic but wishlisting seems preferable over an endless “he said/she said”.

Guys, please stop talking about stuff like that and atleast go back to discussing military equipment or something. That’ll be closer to the actual topic.


no. i’m just asking where you got the information from that the posts show an edit mark if you edit them.

i didn’t make the claim about edit marks therefore i don’t have to prove anything about them lol.

Okay, sure, let’s go with that, however that’s not what I was talking about.

Here is a funny photo for your efforts.

I believe the other plane is the 1-1 scale model they have at one of the airports



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It’s common sense.

The Avro Arrow!

If we get Yak-141 and Mirage 4000 then surely we can expect the Arrow right?

(Actual solid Canada speculation🤯)


Honestly would be great if everyone one got atgm cars too, iirc french have tonnes, the US can get tow humvies (I think im spelling that right, cut me some slack if im wrong I am dyslexic and my autocorrect doesn’t have humvee on it lmao) etc

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wild Leo 2a4m appears to say back in topic and keep talking about it :P (just joking)


Are those thrustvectoring spall liners? Only Russia had thosr on their Chinese imported leopards, prove me wrong.


Yep, agreed, would be a great update

Not a car… But smaller and with 6x 120mm recoiless !



Meme bonus:



Oh heck yeah , that scooter would actually be good in dense urban maps.


It’s just for the meme, it was only used to transport the recoiless gun, deploy it outside the vespa, use it and go back :D

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You’d probably be better to ask than google, but are there any Milan cars other than the vbl?

does it actualy shoot without destroying itself from the recoil? or backflipping

Just gotta make sure its gets a spall liner :P