And did you bother to read the latter half of the sentence?
Like can he read anything other than the rules lol
okay so what he implied was that if i did take on the offer of coming into the discord on his invitation that i would not believe him, however this implying is non sense and what he said is misinformation with plausible deniability of “i didn’t mean that even though i did”.
If you’re not ready to invite me to somewhere, don’t pretend that it would be possible.
the topic is rumours not wether i read anything other than rules. can you stay on the topic?
I directly confronted the claim and was ready to prove you wrong, however you refused it. If you’re refusing first hand evidence, might aswell admit that you’re not open for a real discussion.
Don’t worry this thread isn’t Reddit.
People here won’t start screaming C&P because they couldn’t be bothered to do research.
u are the person that brings the whole thread to off topic the most
Your the issue here not us regulars
He implied nothing. He directly stated everything that was meant. On top of that, due to you being unwilling to cede despite an overwhelming amount of evidence being given, tis indeed very much not Quatsch.
no i’m talking about the verifiability of a rumor. since the topic is rumor, verifiability of such is absolutely on topic unlike the talks of what i read or talks about my mother.
being regular on the topic doesn’t mean you can go offtopic.
I actually offered evidence on my claims and it was refused.
That might be for the best.
Why… are you guys still engaging with him?
Because it’s fun lol
where ur characters chinese? can you just tell us if the website allows edits and preferabel show proof in the tos or rules sth like that?
why can’t you show it? you read it up somewhere so show me where you read it up from. where did you get your information from? tell me.
In-service bombers too, these ones I’m particularly looking forward to since we’ve seen them:
What kind ? We’ve got plenty to anticipate, more than just these:
( Kiszivárgott repülők listája – 2019 Május – WT Info )
Aliens we got them from aliens
Because its hard to navigate a Chinese website when you can’t read Chinese
ah i forgot u cant read , u might have missed the part where i said i dont understand chinese, but you not understanding the concept of social media is just one of the biggest problems here
if you can’t read chinese and you can’t navigate the website, how do you know how it works then? tell me where you gained this information.
so you’re just making up claims and assumptions