Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

literaly never saw the community so united yet, only to shit on 1 single person lol


We are all in the CIA performing a psyop


A moderated suggestion would be really good.

this would explain why the chinese leaker made a new post instead of editing it


you said you could offer me an invite as proof now you said that you actually wouldn’t do it. again, now we have a third person guilty of misinformation and making up untrue claims.

I’m in the SASR, thank you very much.


thank u very much, they literaly cant even edit stuff lmao

Edit: oh nevermind its from wikipedia wont accept it

“citation needed” additionally wikipedia is not an source as anyone can edit it.

Mis ma mama ma

oh god u are so miserable

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Yes they edited that too they thought of everything

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I mean back then it was a proper suggestion

But yeah, I prob will look into it when no longer in a cider fever dream reading this thread rn.

not my fault what he posted doesn’t even have a citation. we all know wikipedia isn’t reliable or trusted.

Man, the forum really descended into anarchy.

Guys can we get back to wishlisting and talking about spall liners or missiles. This is so far off topic from the topic that brought the actual topic off topic.

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you aren’t allowed to wishlist here

Yes and we know you cant put two and two together

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Ether this or new nations


Hehe. I think they all get transfered over if they were on the old fourm. But its whether it made it to the “passed to the devs” or not I think. Either way, Cant hurt to make another for this forum.

But yeah, we need our land rovers. Its a shame we’ve not got any yet. One with a Javelin would make the perfect 9 ish SPAA

Anarchy is not what you seem to think it is. It is a system with a lack of rulers, not rules.