Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Its a rumor channel yes, but making up a rumour of a new nation is not a rumor. Thats just wishlisting.


From lastest leak I’m not wonder Alpha Jet from france & germany but surprised UK Alpha Jet

USA could get new attack aircraft toptier at early rank 8 A-6E SWIP from leak before A-10C Thunderbolt II

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I mean we are not “making it up” there is evidence to support such a claim


Unless you’ve used Gen 2 and Gen 3 thermals on fixed wing planes, then you should know that having a tool that allows you to rapidly find living enemy vehicles without the help of teammates is very very important. And if you’re relying on marking upon hits, then that just would mean that you’ll soon be robbed of a kill.

its just an idea from a rumour not wishlisting


If it is confirmed to not be a rumor but just a wish, i guess a new nation is not coming then.

There is currently nothing to suggest or nothing announced regarding a new nation.

We dont need pages and pages of off topic here for a subject that can be discussed elsewhere in more appropriate topics.

Thats all there is too it.


Yeah, I’m being sarcastic because A-10C would ruin the meta of CAS with all those juicy weapons and targeting pods.

im going to take that as no nation

If a new nation was coming we would be getting a couple of pre-order premium plane packs first, the leaks don’t mention any that would fit that bill, so nobody outside of gaijin knows if a new nation could be coming next update or not

County Class my beloved

I mean he didn’t say a flat out no just saying stop wish listing which is odd.
As I said the leaks point towards Canada as Germany could get two the same Leos is just strange.
And out of place for Britain hence why we came up with Canada lol

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No, it being in War thunder mobile doesnt discount its possibility of it coming to War Thunder. But neither does it say anything about the timeframe for its arrival. As proven by other things present in War thunder mobile, but that is not here.

The PS-371A have been in the files for some time already iirc. Still doesnt give any indication that RB04 or RBS-15 are coming soon.

The T-90 in the british tree is telling me that there is going to be a canadian Leopard in the US tree

That even worse

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Pakistan subtree for China )))


I guess that means we should consider only official announcements as “rumors”…

Whoever leaves last, please turn off the light.


Nah what (I think) he’s saying is there is no releases which point towards a new nation. Data mines from Gszabi certainly don’t point towards it from what I have seen

I’d hope around 10.3 like the AMX International.
I don’t know tonnes about the aircraft but looking briefly over the arnaments and FP 10.3 does fit the bill. maybe a bit lower at the expense of worse AIM-9 variants but that’s where i’d put one.

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If we say Latin America is the new nation and 100% coming then now that would be 100% wishlisting.

But since we are using leaks and presenting evidence to support each cases then a new tech tree would pop up if the others in game now doesn’t make sense at all.

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Just microwave the leftovers of the T-80B thermals controversy. Technically possible, allegedly configured in the factory at least once, and yet every single T-80UD I’ve ever seen on the internet has that damn IR lamp which means there’s no thermal device on that tank. I don’t think it matters if they add it or not, it’s going to be a mediocre tank at best. Only way this possibly works well is if it sits at 10.3 or 10.7, with or without thermals.

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