Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

BMD-4 is based off the BMP-3 so same shit

The BMP 3 has a 20 second reload for the atgms while the bmd hasna 4 second…

The ZBD04 already uses an adapted version of the bakhcha-U turret, which was the ones on the BMD-4, hence it already starts off with said reload. The ZBD04A has improved gunner sights(the 04 has 8x, the 04A 3-12x, at least according to squad) with thermals, applique armor to reach frontal protection resistant to M919 and 3UBR-8(NATO STANAG 4859 level VI), and side armor resistant to 23mm AP-T. So yes, the 04A does load like the BMD-4 and BMP-3M, but it is already present on the basic 04.


Homie got the docs lmao

…what rounds does it use proper apfsds or just the apds belt?

ZBD-04 is not bakhcha-U
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Oh bruh

04 has the same turret as BMP3

So I was right

Squad lied to me >:((just kidding)

pray for trailer my brothers and sisters inshallah





well, but 04A can use auto loader for the ATGM

Comes with only 3 turrets

Anyone got an Idea when the teaser will drop?

anywhere in the next 6 hours basically

Usually 16:00 GMT, but it seems like theyre getting later in the day recently.

So the 04a legit is a Chinese BMP3M

It can only be said that 04 exudes a perfunctory aura everywhere :P

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