Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Yeah i know like what happened to my F3

Its the only tree i havent been down but anytime i see a type 90 in the kill feed i actually fear it due to that 4 second reload so i neeed it

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The Harrier would be better

The only way to see if a new nation is coming is to annoy Smin with that question.


jup, just that the f4f ice meets even worse stuff lol

Peculiar rare Smin reply to dead thread.



No, a Phantom would be better than an Harrier

You’re right, DCS doesn’t look anywhere near that terrible. Camera angle just reminds me of it so much however.

Like I’ve said Canada is the next nation lol



i am sad that the F20 tiger shark will mostly drop as a premium, i think it’s bad that unique vehicles be behind a paywall instead of adding them into the TT. copy paste premiums makes more sense be cause they don’t actually give or take anything new from the F2P players or the players who just don’t want to spend 70$ to get something they’ve ben waiting ages for.

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Hope that we get something good for the u.s and balanced with the ussr

Speaking of those, I didn’t have time to talk abt this on the last thread:

( [Development] [RoadMap] Following the Roadmap: grouping vehicles, rank changes, and improvements to premium vehicles - News - War Thunder )

Since gjn now views the lowest part of techtrees as a dead space/training area, it 's unlikely we’ll see new TT 's whose " main draw " contents are in that area. Mainly, that would apply to countries whose domestic combat vehicle industries ceased to exist at the beginning of WW2 or shortly afterwards.


do you guys think sweden needs a new Air subtree only?

I just responded to an earlier ping before I realised you guys had been spamming enough to make it to part 3 already ))


no the FA2 would be better

*Looks at the Canadian Leo

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Maybe some nordic subtree or smth
