Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Testing states thats not true.
Its marginally slower
It lacks a long range missile.

Load 10 mins of fuel test it and come back.

Give it the AN/ALE-50 towed decoy pod😂😂😂

Pretty sure they can use BOL pods, though that may have been the Legacy Hornet

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doesnt change the fact it was meant for india, even if russia goes back on its own deals and tbh this is like the one thing india actually could give that would be top br, everything else wont scrape past 11.3

Oh… if it’s 60, I’ll just keep Eurofightin’ xD

Fox-3 evasion can require a good deal of chaff, and you always should have some flares too, of course.

If it’s 120… well, could work with that, using countermeasures thoughtfully.

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yesn’t. The reason the Typhoon is still the defacto best, is that while they sit at two extremes in best performance. The Typhoon is right there with the Rafale for close range flight performance as well, it just lacks the missiles for it.

Meaning it’s overall still better while the 15E and Rafale are two different extremes.

Finnish mounted BOL on their hornets

But the deal never happened. I don’t see how they’d be entitled to it in game

The US did tests with them as well, so they’re compatible, I just don’t know if that compatibility carried over to the Super

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120, but probably it should have additional chaff/flare pods

this is a BIG difference in BVR performance. The Rafale would be worse than the Typhoon at BVR even if the MICA’s had the same effective range as the AIM-120s.


the deal did happen, russia just never delivered any of the tanks to india and tbh with out that india has literally nothing that could be considered 12.0

Yeah I saw that they tested them. Don’t know if the integration carried over. Doesn’t look like the navy kept interest in BOL.

Well good thing India is a sub tree and not its own

The Typhoon cant find the Rafale the radar is terrible.

All the Rafale had to do is defend the 120s and then
Get to the medium/short range where it dominates.
If you are getting intercepted by 120s from a Typhoon at 40+ Km that really is a skill issue.

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yeah shame the UK gets lumped with 2 Sub trees that provide zero top tier tanks but every other sub gets to have 12.0s


They didn’t deny the R-73M for the SU-30SM so there is a chance for that

Which line Will su30sm be added ?


Wouldn’t be the first time they gave a US aircraft less CMs than a foreign operator, 120 is low but not unusable, guess we’ll have to wait and see

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