Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

hate to say it, but this might actually be marketing to save face for lack of AESA on modern fighter


Shush anti-eurofighter-thought is enough to get you hanged here.


but we already have stealthy F-117

I would not mind if some features were clearly explained that it will be modelled for x update, next year or whatever.

But well anyway even that would be hard to trust when they do not fullfill their promise on even smaller things (ex saying that they will add x vehicle, or x shell to a tank…)

It’s more that it was developed at a time when most other radars were switching to AESA, it is the pinnacle of mechanical radars, because mechanical radars were starting to become obsolete at the time of its introduction.

That only applies to A2A though, there are many better mechanical ground radars

well it’s talking about wikipedia I’m going to take advantage of it



I have Restricted Access on these documents ,
I don’t know if the PDFs are classified or just if I don’t have authorization via Wikipedia

I would have liked to have access to the PDF which details the technical value of the WS10A that would have given me proof to give as a bug report in case it does not accept data from Wikipedia, for when the WS10A and j11B will be in games

what about balance though? F-117 full stealth is a hell of a lot less impactful than F/A-18E or Rafale reduced RCS

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The question mark over the third F-18 is interesting, a previous leak from this source stated the Swiss F-18C would be going to Germany - I’m not sure if this ❓ is meant to hide that this new one is the same as that previous one, or if it 's a different operator 's Hornet for a completely different techtree.
^the previous one, for reference.

Tigre HAD(ESP) was in the files a very long time ago, neat to hear it’ll be returning to become playable. I wonder what armament it’ll be provided w/. The HAD Block 2 in the FRA tree ingame currently uses the (IRL) weapon options of the Spanish variant, since France does not operate the Spike missile but Spain does.

AMD.35 kwk.39 is an oldie, discovered in the files briefly in 2022
( )

Harry Hopkins is similarily old, Oliviia leaked it just under a year later:

2S19 coming as two variants, I’m not totally sure they’d both come at the same time ? Hopefully they’ll both be techtree researchable regardless of when they appear.

YAH-56A as an event vehicle 😭 It 's not unexpected, but I had still be holding onto hope for a more obtainable implementation. It 's been a very long time since a helicopter was an event prize anyway, I wonder how score grinding them would even work in the current setup.

Dunno what " new page or new line " would mean in relation to strategic bombers, they are just aircraft ? We already have aircraft pages and lines ?
But it 's long term, so it will either be revealed w/ the passage of time or come to nothing.

It’s more complex than semi-stealth jets where Gaijin will have to add RCS for every loadout it carries.


what about AN/APG-71 though? had full datalink system to pair F-14D together, quite the radar

dont worry a clean super hornet has an RCS of 0.1 iirc which the MiG-25PD (has enlarged mig23ml radar) can detect as far as 30 ish km


Finland is out bet as they used the F-18 name

That is clean and front aspect only, so realistically there is no point adding any stealth effect to it at all

There is 0 need for the Swiss F-18 as Germany now has the eurofighter

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There is, and very much so do you still want it added. When you’re getting low on missiles and are almost clean, that means that you’re very close to your enemy targets after having slinged some missiles in BVR. At that point your low RCS will be an advantage in chaffing/notching missiles at closer ranges. Once you are empty of missiles and need to return back to base, you ideally want to be low RCS and can’t be detected to threats that still have their missiles and can kill you.

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Diversity always trumps needs m8


Let them at least dream about it.

Weapon pylons add to RCS, that very low RCS is also front aspect only, maneuvering increases it quite a bit, there is also the fact that even best case it’s still a 30km detection, so with all of that combined the effect is going to be so small in real terms that it’s not going to matter

Eurofighter is the second best plane in game, sharing this place with the F-15E, there’s no more reason to add the F/A-18 to the German tech tree.


Add it anyway. just to watch the world burn.