Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

It’s still not the DF105.

if it would be 90$. Don’t think it would be the same price as the JA-37DI

im saying the average dcs module is $80 (f18c) and $90 is only $10 higher than 80 not 20

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Df105 has another turret. France was promised the amx 105 with the same turret but didnt get it till today.

The clovis has a 20mm cannon in the turret. But I believe same oscillating turret and autoloader

Different turret.

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Saved by Flanker Jesus with the first leak…and now I hope I’m not Abandoned by him 😭 Yes I read the bottom text…still VERY WORRYING!

yeah it’s different but same cannon and an autoloader. It wont play much different to the df105 except that it has the 20mm cannon.
Question is what br. Df105 is at 8.0 and turm 3 is at 8.3 with stabilizer.

Because premium

Spanish Eurocopter in the German tree, interesting…

That completely discards the possibility of Spain eventually coming as a subtree/combined tech tree; we are doomed to have 2-3 vehicles spread across the game xD

Which makes me wonder even more about why they removed VRCC from the game, if they weren’t planning to place it elsewhere…


This is just false. King George V class was all or nothing, with 14" belt and 15" max. Yamato was not, and had a thick 16 inch belt and turret faces 600+ mm, with super curved thick interior compartmentalization on a different scale. Yamato was designed with 18 inch rounds in mind, whereas every other ship in history was designed to protect against 16 inch rounds. The Montana class would have been the only other ship with armor designed to protect against 18 inch rounds, but it was cancelled in favor of more carriers. Nothing that was actually built surpassed the Yamato design, and the overall “immune zone” it provided were unparalleled in battleship history.

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Hold on- F/A-18E is the SUPER Hornet, right!?

They are making the legacy F-18 Premium (will likely add another variant later to the tree), while the tech tree variant to come now is the best one

That’s very interesting, it addresses the concerns people had that the legacy F-18 could be a dead-on-arrival plane for coming too late…

How does Super Hornet compare? 2 more AIM-120s, but what about radar and flight performance?

We could still get Spain as an independent tech tree, look at Israel

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another DF105 moment

Well, Israel only had the event Merkavas on U.S and the old Premium tank on U.K; Spain will soon have their attack Helicopter added to the German tree as Premium, so it would be weirder to make a tech tree after this.

If Spain came as a German subtree it would be fine by me, hahahah. But I doubt it, since Germany already has Switzerland (I recall to remember?)


There were also the Vautour and F-84F for Israel.

Switzerland is not a sub nation of Germany.

As i read from the wiki the harrier av8b plus has the old radar of the f18 super hornet before the upgrade (?) of it to an aesa one so it could be one of the option.

8.7-9.0. Clovis gets a stabilizer, APFSDS, too, and even a laser rangefinder (?). Would make for a good TAM equivalent.

Not bad. All that’s left is to add F-18 to Germany and it will be perfect

Tigre HAD/E



Interestingly, le.Pz.Spw. 204 (f) was on the list for France, 3 years ago…



I must have mixed up stuff because everyone were talking about Swiss F-18s for Germany, hahahah.

But yeah, Spain as a German subtree would be ideal for me. I just want to play Leopardo 2Es and Pizarros, hahahah. And, in Vermany, it would be a nice reinforcement to their top tree; given they still have only 1 uparmored Leopard while Sweden still has 3.

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Hopefully not.