Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

There’s a TWS rework scheduled, so maybe

If I could take just 4 Fox 3 missiles that had the range the 120s have but could only pull 25G…I’d take them hands down over the 8 77 you can now every time

That’d require them to rework radars, so not likely any time soon.

I dont mind the R-77-1 but its pretty bad so I doubt it will change much about top tier, which while sad the Soviets did have the most dominant SARH missile for the longest time so ehhhh

They said they are working on them.

i think someone made the calculation, and by applying the formula on what is known about the shell, the penetration @0m ranges anywhere between 166mm and 192mm : sources are kind of contradicting each other, with :

  • tested penetration in the US in the 90s, with around 166mm of pen @0m
  • a chairman from CTAI claiming 175mm @0m
  • a shell that is, in the 2020s, increased by 110g and 36mm in length compared to the 1990s, with a penetration of 192mm @0m if the rod was lengthened accordingly (determined with earlier mentionned formula)

more info in this post :

So at least Strf 4090C equivalent

I wonder if there is any chance of a missile like the KS-172-1 could be added alongside the SU-30SM to allow Russia to have standoff munitions to counter the AIM-120A. We don’t need the R-37M but some stop gap until then would be nice.

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They’ve said they’re working on tonnes of things, and very few don’t take more than a couple years at least.


I have no doubt this game will still be thriving in 2035, maybe even with a shiny new remaster or engine upgrade. War Thunder 2.0?

Sign me up—just as long as our progress and achievements come along for the ride. Starting all over again?

No thanks, that’s a hard pass for me.

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Who’s harry hopkins lol

I don’t think gajin ready hypersonic long-range air-to-air missile (LRAAM) 5 years at least

Su-30SM2, Su-35S and MiG-31BM launched R-37M

I predict that it might the first russian fighter aircraft armed the early 5th gen IR Air-to-Air Missile


F/A-18 premium 💔💔💔😭


god please not another 10.3 SPAA for the UK, the Rapier has a max range of 8km at best it will be 11.0

Woo harry hopkins!

Also woo yah 56!


Strategic Bombers, Come on you got to admit that’s a nice surprise!

I’m more hyped for this than the f-18


Not really unsuprising though.

The ground vehicles on the list are dissapointing, but looking at last year’s updates that was to be expected though.

EDIT: yeah yeah I know the whole “list is not final” stuff, but looking at the past it’ll likely be a dissapointing update for ground anyway.

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Not in service, but there was a tech demonstrator from the American subsidiary of Australian company Electro Optic Systems mounting their R800 RWS on an AMPV. Mk.44S 30mm Bushmaster, 1x Javelin ATGM launcher and a machine gun.


Imagine getting the F/A-18E before the A
And a premium F/A-18C
It would butcher the U.S player base even more