Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

They’ve said a rework was in the works but god knows when that will happen. They semi-dismissed it or something, but Riley was testing it against historical data and the shell dispersal is about 3-4x what it should be.

I’ve had entire salvos miss at 10km, when they should have all hit even if the distance was more like 20km.

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i think we should get BOL on all US F-15 (we are only one who use) next update


The Warspite has the credit for a moving shot from a Battleship against another ship 24KM

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I know it won’t this update, but I’d love to have the ASM-3. Such a cool missile imo

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Yep, she does, but in game, a hit like that would be down to pure random chance, not skill. Even at half that range. Landing more than 1 or 2 shells feels like a roll of the dice and there is little “skill” involved.

I’m not reading allat

Any new leaks?

Unfortunately no.

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Only this classified one


Is that an gszabi snack to lure him out for another list?

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Sometimes works. But usually takes a lot more to lure him out of the mines of data

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I have noticed levelling your crew helps with the leading indicator speed and update rate.

M8 it’s not a bloody Mary challenge you know, say his name multiple time and he appears lol

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I’ve got maxed crew and ace and yet had salvos perfectly bracket a target (some landing short and others long) exactly where I had aimed it at distances considered practically point blank for a battleship.

The report got rejected, but in the photos you attached you can see the dispersal at 10km

Even cooler facts
Its a ram jet asm
Pretty fast mach 3+
Ridiculous range from 200-400km depending on version
Can attack ground targets via gps and other means
Has a semi-anti radiation mode
Big warhead
Passive/and active radar homing
And mid course correction

F-2 can carry up to 4 so i doubt well see these anytime soon.


That is interesting I don’t think I have issues like that often.

If you are in any ship with 14" or smaller, you wont notice it. But in the 15/16" ships its horrific. Drives me nuts that most of a salvo can just… miss the target. Especially one like Rodney which has such a long reload. Though thankfully its getting a reload buff soon™

Say it three times to summon a wild Smin. xP


Maybe its just me but i preferred the old system for aiming in naval, the new i just cant get the hang of, i know its better but i cant use it

I see interesting.