They’ve said a rework was in the works but god knows when that will happen. They semi-dismissed it or something, but Riley was testing it against historical data and the shell dispersal is about 3-4x what it should be.
I’ve had entire salvos miss at 10km, when they should have all hit even if the distance was more like 20km.
Yep, she does, but in game, a hit like that would be down to pure random chance, not skill. Even at half that range. Landing more than 1 or 2 shells feels like a roll of the dice and there is little “skill” involved.
I’ve got maxed crew and ace and yet had salvos perfectly bracket a target (some landing short and others long) exactly where I had aimed it at distances considered practically point blank for a battleship.
The report got rejected, but in the photos you attached you can see the dispersal at 10km
Even cooler facts
Its a ram jet asm
Pretty fast mach 3+
Ridiculous range from 200-400km depending on version
Can attack ground targets via gps and other means
Has a semi-anti radiation mode
Big warhead
Passive/and active radar homing
And mid course correction
F-2 can carry up to 4 so i doubt well see these anytime soon.
If you are in any ship with 14" or smaller, you wont notice it. But in the 15/16" ships its horrific. Drives me nuts that most of a salvo can just… miss the target. Especially one like Rodney which has such a long reload. Though thankfully its getting a reload buff soon™