Thats why I like the german designation system. You know immediately what is talked about, even if you dont know the exact thing. P8? Thats a Pistol. MP7? Submachinegun (Maschienenpistole in german). G27? Thats a Rifle (Gewehr). MG4? Machinegun (Maschienengewehr).
And then theres just this:
Aaaaaaand then we have things like MELLS, which stands for mehrrollenfähige leichte Lenkflugkörper-System or MARS II (Mittlere Artillerieraketensystem II)
How did manage to make such a perfect system for small arms and then fuck up everything else? idk
Only things they are lacking from fully modern variants are AESA radars, ECM and armament choices, they will also have all 4th gen air frames available with the addition of the hornet.
China is waiting for the:
J-10s, (B and C make major reworks to original airframe, essentially a new jet)
J-15s (canard equipped navalised flanker),
J-16s (Modernised flankers based on 2 seater J-11, best flankers in the world),
And they only have 2 aircraft equipped with domestic Fox-3s (america has 6, soon to be 8) and only have a single top tier with access to modern, domestic avionics.
Not to have a pissing contest but China is FAR less represented as a world superpower than the US