Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Thats why I like the german designation system. You know immediately what is talked about, even if you dont know the exact thing. P8? Thats a Pistol. MP7? Submachinegun (Maschienenpistole in german). G27? Thats a Rifle (Gewehr). MG4? Machinegun (Maschienengewehr).

And then theres just this:

Aaaaaaand then we have things like MELLS, which stands for mehrrollenfähige leichte Lenkflugkörper-System or MARS II (Mittlere Artillerieraketensystem II)

How did manage to make such a perfect system for small arms and then fuck up everything else? idk


I prefer LARS over MARS, he’s just a chill guy

Smiles in Flarakrad

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You mean the Flugabwehrraketensystem Roland auf Radkraftfahrzeug?

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Locked thread was the best thing that happened. 1000 comments overnight and 30 of them on the devblog

or some AA’s form this list:
i especially would love to see the JRVG-1, the FK-2000, the type 625e, the General Electric’s DIVAD Proposal (GAU-8 on a tank), the 9M337 Sosna-R , the ZA-HVM

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People are always sleeping on the Cactus SAM, but obviously the G6-HVM would be way cooler

And for multi vehicle SPAA’s (link: i’d like to see those in the game (but not now) : Patriot, 9K37 Buk, 2K12 Kub, S-300P, S-300V, S-400 (i know, mostly russian SPAA’s, but they are just more interesting and powerful)

Still isn’t fully reflected for US in war thunder so I wouldn’t get hopes up too high

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Yes it is, wdym??

America has the highest amount of unique rank 8 aircraft in the game, plus they are getting 2-3 more this next patch

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The navy and air force could be their own tech trees if fully represented

Missing FB-111, B-36, B-52, A-5, B-47, B-1B, A-6 tt, F-101, F-102, F-106, F7U

Not to mention countless major variants of those and existing jets


For context, America has about 50-60% of their current operational fighters represented in game

China has 10-20%…


I don’t just mean current operational fighters at top tier

Also, F-15C and F-15E and F-16C ingame are pretty different from the one in current USAF

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I recently found some cool info about the standard Cactus.

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Really? Ik china is missing a lot but there is a lot and i mean a lot of fighters missing from the US

It’s because we don’t use the letter changes as much. We do block # and upgrade programs now

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Only things they are lacking from fully modern variants are AESA radars, ECM and armament choices, they will also have all 4th gen air frames available with the addition of the hornet.

China is waiting for the:
J-10s, (B and C make major reworks to original airframe, essentially a new jet)
J-15s (canard equipped navalised flanker),
J-16s (Modernised flankers based on 2 seater J-11, best flankers in the world),

And they only have 2 aircraft equipped with domestic Fox-3s (america has 6, soon to be 8) and only have a single top tier with access to modern, domestic avionics.

Not to have a pissing contest but China is FAR less represented as a world superpower than the US

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Fair enough

Off top of my head, china is missing the J-10B, J-10C, J-11B, J-11BG, J-15, J-16, J-20, J-20A, FC-31, J-35 at top tier

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Want a full list?

I would xD