Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

A person, or the tank they named after said person

Which tank?

See, that’s why the american designation system is flawed (at least for an outsider)

It isn’t.

You literally just have to use number and name

M46 Patton
M47 Patton
M48 Patton

And you can distinguish between them easily

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Yeah, but you could have just given all three different names and be done with it

Call one Patton, the next George and the last Peter or whatever

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point is we skipped several variants.

We make too much stuff to come up with that many unique names

They have to be named after someone relevant too

Well, now that’s their own fault lol

Could have just done it like the Brits and call vehicles random names (Matilda lol)

Well, what happens if you have tank named George and there is guy named George in same unit

The US designation system just seems a bit clunky and unhumane, i prefer something like the Israeli naming schemes where modifications are denoted through additional words ( EG. Merkava siman 3 dor dalet ) as opposed to the super long and random m1 gun carrier 120mm stuff

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At least air force and electronics have good naming system

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Somebody ping me if something interesting gets announced, I’m going touching some grass!

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look m46*, thats a patton
look m47*: thats a newer patton
look m48*: thats newer than the newer patton
problem solved

The avionics and aircraft designations are good yeah

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Counterarguement: There can be more than just one person named Patton, Abrams, Bradley, etc

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But using names of historical and military figures makes more sense.

I don’t think there are that many ppl named Patton or Abrams. Maybe a couple named Bradley but again, not that many

Magach 1
Magach 2
Magach 3

Magach 7 and so on

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No one can mix up AN/APG-77 or F-15C thankfully


That’s fair, just trying to say that that kind of scenario can unfold no matter if you limit the vehicle names to those of historically significant people or not

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