Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Most likely summer update, nothing to expect in this coming one I imagine

Yeah, the recaptured by France part is a pretty important step though


Well it’s F-4 phantom II, same with F-35 too no?

didn’t they say that we get big aa systems early 2025?

Never heard of that before, but I looked into it a bit and honestly could be a neat addition.

i wish to get the fk-2000 ASAP

Yeah, F-35 is Lightning II, sharing its name with the P-38 Lightning, and in Britain it’s the Lightning III since we had the EE Lightning II

I really hate how they tease and hype vehicles like the J-10s and F-2A for years, only to not give them proper spotlight… Only J-10A got lucky

Though there is a slight chance they establish China as a main air nation now, which would mean featuring F-2A is back on the menu too. And by slight chance I mean guarantee, I have this and I’m not afraid to use it.


Why give an Indian version of an American Stryker when you can just have a Canadian LAV instead?

The Stryker is based off of the LAV tbh.
LAV being based off of the Swiss Piranha though is a different bag

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China should eventually become the 2nd largest air tech tree after America, they have a colossal air force and that should be reflected in wt


Well pretty soon everything back home is going to be legally required to be renamed after our dear leader.

Jokes aside one of the goobers who wants to take over Greenland proposed to rename it Red White And Blue Land because we are all being punished for our sins in past lives.

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Carabine M1 here

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Not even talking about the full names, F-4 always describes the Phantom II, while F4F described the Wildcat, F4U the Corsair and F4D the Skyray.

The correct designations actually differ without having to go another layer deeper, unlike the designations for their tanks, guns, ammo, explosives and whatever else shares the M# designations.


Older plane designations are differentiated by a number affix (F4F-1, F4F-2, etc), while newer plane designations are differentiated by a letter affix (F-4A, F-4B, etc)

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Isn’t said goober trying to pass that law?

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Thats why I like the german designation system. You know immediately what is talked about, even if you dont know the exact thing. P8? Thats a Pistol. MP7? Submachinegun (Maschienenpistole in german). G27? Thats a Rifle (Gewehr). MG4? Machinegun (Maschienengewehr).

And then theres just this:

Aaaaaaand then we have things like MELLS, which stands for mehrrollenfähige leichte Lenkflugkörper-System or MARS II (Mittlere Artillerieraketensystem II)

How did manage to make such a perfect system for small arms and then fuck up everything else? idk


I prefer LARS over MARS, he’s just a chill guy

Smiles in Flarakrad

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You mean the Flugabwehrraketensystem Roland auf Radkraftfahrzeug?

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Locked thread was the best thing that happened. 1000 comments overnight and 30 of them on the devblog

or some AA’s form this list:
i especially would love to see the JRVG-1, the FK-2000, the type 625e, the General Electric’s DIVAD Proposal (GAU-8 on a tank), the 9M337 Sosna-R , the ZA-HVM

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