Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)


isnt an BB…
its an Battlecruiser

hell, even the Ersatz York which is classed as Battlecruiser is better than our Bayern class ))))

  • Faster
  • same armament (4x 2 380mm turrets)
  • same AA… (8x 88mm)

Germany currently has quite a few top ships, so the current focus has been bringing some other nations up to speed. Like Warspite for the UK.


so no new big ship for Germany?
How about an Gneisenau? :)

Please don’t leave us Flanker Cultists hanging this update Gaijin…my soul can’t stand much more of the N001VEP…we need the TVC and the N0011M Bars…Don’t abandon me Flanker Jesus!


^^ Also can’t wait to put the decals on her ;)

Wouldn’t mind Italian Magach


4-Leonardo M60A3 Upgrade

Leonardo M60A3 Upgrade


You will have to stay tuned to the news to find out what’s coming in the next major.




this is an sentence

The most annoying ship at top tier.


Has your favourite vehicle of this patch been shown yet ?

Will the artillery gang who are not Russia players have a fun toy this patch? I very much enjoyed the ones released so far, hoping for more!

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Priest and hummel would be nice, although like the m44 most nations can get the priest including germany which would make just the priest more likely. Gaijin never misses an easy c&p vehicle

not even an TT PzH for Italy? wierd

A lot of other nations have already recently received some, but that’s not to say more are not planned or coming. You will have to stay tuned.

when will your favorite be announced?

That wasn’t in response to that.

ah true, nvm then )

Are rank 3 light tanks planned for germany? Germany has a huge hole there between the puma and m41 (3.7 to 6.7 3 full br steps)

Is there still plans for a R class for the UK as well? Since russia got one first.

I expected one to come this update but with the addition of warspite im guessing this is now very unlikely?

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