Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

It’s really smaller, but the number is relatively large, one hardpoint can carry three, it’s not bad, Tornado in Germany needs this very much, it seems to be usable, in the future ASSTA4.0

Oh okay I mustve been mistaken. However the next event should be a ship.

The question is whether or not they add that variant or stick with the ASSTA3.1 as your “next” tornado

no, there are. AGM-65G is similar, only little slower. even AGM-65D is similar, except it’s poor heat warhead. but when used to SPAAs, agm-65d is powerful enough.
Don’t argue with things like 40km range. it’s seeker only lock at about 12km, every IR agms are same seeker data.
Consider su-25sm3’s poor performance plane, it’s still reasonable.

But I have a hunch that after JA37D Viggen got Rb99 BVRAAM, max BR for Air RB lower another subsonic fighter and 3rd generation fighter because never armed 4th gen infrared Air-to-Air Missile and no fly-by-wire system

Tornado F3 FSP max BR in Air RB & Air SB higher another subsonic fighter aircraft and 3rd generation fighter aircraft, and would be same as AV-8B Plus (2023)

Tbh I wouldnt care that much if instead of russia getting a weapon that far out ranges any nato same, nato got a missile that has similar ranges to the pansir that way there would be an interesting dynamic but nope gaijin has to give all the best toys to russia

yoo I loved the ww2 RAF skin for the typhoon for its birthday but with the Normandy landing stripes as well god damn does it look good

VIggen D and Tornado F3 AOP/FSP would likely be 1 BR higher than the Sea Harrier FA2 and AV-8B+ because unlike the harriers they are super-sonic aircraft.

Me waiting for Dov Bleg:

The enemy bard delaying his decapitation for a couple seconds with Peacemaking. : r/DarkAndDarker


Wrong, the AGM65 was intercepted by the Pantsir very easily, but the KH38 is invincible, and the SAMs of other countries are all scrap, without exaggeration

Im going to see this in person next week

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Manifesting a Typhoon devblog to drop today I see

you say “a little slower” its less then half the speed, and with a far shorter range, idk where you are getting the 12km range from when the ADATS radar is max range is 12km and I couldnt lock this Su25 that just sat out of range and got 7 kills

@Smin1080p Can you comment on the possibility of seeing FOX-3 also added to ground vehicles?

SL-AMRAAM would IMO be the best opportunity to expand the SPAA capability of USA and Sweden, both of which are severely lacking compared to Russia’s Pantsir.

sl-amraam 2


im ready to watch the brimstone come on an american apache or german tornado before anything british lol

Meanwhile SPYDER derby cuz Israels AA branch stops at 10.3


How? it’s just faster. like it need 15s to fly when agm65 needs 20s. sounds like you can’tlock on it with spaa, but you can. so you can shoot it down with vt-1 or others

I routinely see Su-25SM3s firing almost immediately after spawning, but my experience in the Gr7 is that I have to close the gap quite a bit. Maybe whilst defending heavily against a Pantsir.

Maybe they dont have the 40km range. Heck PGMs are suppose to have a 50km range, but good luck ever getting those to even fire more than 15km away. But the KH-38s definetly have a longer lock range than 12km. Id guess more like 15ish km at a minimum

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my face when it has a range of 40km and a lock range of 20km (the mavricks absolute max range is 23km btw) not to mention the mavricks max speed is 0.9M the Kh38 is 2.2M and its top attack so some spaas struggle to lock on due to the high angle of attack