Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

I wonder if ICE featured more chaffs. If not, then only 45 chaffs to deal with spams of fox 3 missiles.

British Pacific Fleet moment

they said they won’t change the name, so ig indirect way to say “No”

tbh it depends on how gaijin wants the swedish TT to be.(if i am not mistaking a Danish CV9035 was leaked to sweden long time ago) idk what happened.

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it all comes up to gaijin’s wanting to make more money or not, norway and denmark will mostly be premiums unless sweden is in a literal dire need of an aircraft or a tank or to fill gaps, and when i mean in a dire need imagine the JA37D situation but worst.

They’ve more or less stated that there always needs to be a “Face” nation.

That’s why we had made workaround solutions for some multi-nation trees.

Like the BeNeLux that had the Netherlands as a face.

or my “Pusdo-commonwealth” that was Canada with an Australia/ANZAC sub-tree.

you mean Nation that represent all the Scandinavian vehicles that will be added? it’s gonna be sweden and they said the name of the nation won’t change, mostly these nation’s vehicles will come down to (premiums,squadrons,event vehicles) or vehicles to put in the TT be cause there is no options at all(yes even tested vehicles).

they pretty much said they are going as far as to put stuff like the kungstiger for sweden in the game instead of adding other nation’s vehicle

wdym? are you against adding Range targets to the Event line?

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60* chaff, not 45.
Next update separates flare and chaff, so that means F-4Es are getting their correct 30:60 flare:chaff, or 120 chaff, options.
It will be bug reported if there are any more than 30 flares, or there is a lack of 120 chaff.


I’m not sure if they’ll actually properly split it because it’d be a nerf for some planes.

can’t wait for my 1000 Chaffs in the tornado

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yes so?

56:1200, or 1256. ;)

it will be an Overall Buff to the Tornados

Mirage 4000 with its 8 chaff tubes to be filled…

hey at least it has some

Thanks, then why does it currently have the ability to carry 45 flares and not 30 maximum?

Because they model it currently as the TOTAL amount of CMs a container could carry. IRL the ALE-45 flares take up double the space of chaff packets

Edit: a similar effect should also be seen on most aircraft in game, though it will vary depending on CM set used.

Cause currently CM is coded as one single pool per aircraft, and it halves it when using mixed loadout.