Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

I mean the BeNeLuxFr one has settled so far and Imo the Hornet Helvetica one can too until we actually get stuff confirmed or not

I also would dislike if they added certain vehicles that would take the place of acceptable alternatives. NF-5A could be replaced by the multitude of other options, but I’ll wait and see for it to be confirmed first like you said.

And if true its anti-air is Mig-29G equivalent without AMRAAMs, or Typhoon equivalent with AMRAAMs.
Thus not needed since domestic options are available.

That’s funny if its true. But couldn’t they give it CAS anyway?

BeNeLux really wasn’t a topic until recently. I think most of us were waiting until it came before we where one way or another.

I was talking about the other thing that shall not be named

Unfortunately true - But it can be divided into three variants on two airframes ^^

That 's what the [Artillery Bombing] maps in the Dynamic Campaign are. You can play exactly that it 's already ingame.

I understand why one could dislike the Matchmaker

but simultaneously the Mixed matchmaking has really fixed some issues we had before that

remember when it was Phantom vs MiG-21 only and you’d see the same enemies every single match and there was no variation at all

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with a different player on each gun, in first person?

I am unaware of that one I believe

Yea I do and yea it was pretty boring tbh

How did you miss the arguments that have been going since before the last update?

it’s true, since Switzerland is a non allied nation for the US they removed All ground strike abilities, even provisions for Dumb bombs and rockets

this is why you’ll only see the F-18 Suisse with Loads of AMRAAMs and the occasional Sidewinder

besides Boring it was also very imbalanced

if your Airframe was only slightly inferior you’d be getting slapped every match because the other side knew exactly what to do

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Based upon the modifications Switzerland made to the Hunter F6s we sent them. Id still not want to piss them off. Theyd make them into the best CAS jet in the world overnight

Skillful ignorance

Yea I don’t think the Jets CAS abilities are the worst thing to worry about if you’re the unfortunate son Marching into the swiss alps

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Finally peace


Mission accomplished

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New Naval/Navy titles would be nice