Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

(can we just skip the J11A and go to a pre-AESA J11B instead? If I wanted a flanker with Russian missiles I’d play the Russian one. Personally I’d like China to get more unique stuff instead of very close Soviet cop-outs, i.e. J10, J11B, FC1, etc)

Why is this flag worthy ?

I need more information because the Su-27SM to J-11A is akin to F-15C to F-15J, same air frame with some indigenous modifications.

And as mentioned they did the same with the F-16A too which I think the Block 10, Block 15, Block 20 are all different enough, but got the same devblog

This could be a good thing as it might mean China is getting the J-10 instead of the J-11.

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Ironically while J-11B is an upgrade over J-11A IRL, in the game it may actually a downgrade if Gaijin does not do the domestic missiles justice as currently R-77 > PL-12, R73 > PL-8

So fingers crossed that the reason why the tornado IDS are staying at 11.3 is because they are gunna get some major buffs this update. Tornado Gr1 needs it’s missing 1520 CMs and Aim-9Ms if it’s going to stay at 11.3

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But the J-11B uses the PL-8B instead of the PL-8

Gotta hope for PL8B or PL9 then haha. Even if the missiles are inferior, it would feel much better, to me at least, to be flying something that is more removed from its Russian ancestor with domestic avionics, missiles, and engines in some cases

I bet the update will be called ‘Mad Dog’ or ‘Pit bull’

“Oh boy I can’t wait to see what the next update holds”


Oh boy, I think I’ll keep away for now. less I see EuroFighter.


Eh you think they would give China a lot of goodies. Sure welcomed but not gonna have too much hope even if it arrives especially if it does not have PL-8A/8Bs. Same for Israel(netz), the capabilities of the PT3s were not worth a notch in BR.
Other launching aircrafts includes the JF-17 Block 1 with SD-10s. Given that PL-12s are as good as MICA RF and better than R-77/AMRAAMs id say get a worse version - the export SD-10 before the PL-12 is ready.

As of Taiwanese designs the previously mentioned M2K-5 EI and already in game MLU. I doubt that gaijin will actually put effort into the F-CK-1.

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That is if Gaijin actually give us PL-8B not PL-8

There’s high possibility Skyflash replace by R-Darter on JAS39 Gripen C from SAAF in next major update.

I predict in Q3 2025 or Q2 2026 JAS39 Gripen (SAAF) could get IRIS-T with 13.0 BR

Sea Harrier FA.2 (RN) from lastest leak but no Tornado F3 AOP

Uhh. Perhaps, but air tech isnt the main specialty of Germany. IF gaijin wants to introduce the E series for some reason, I can see it being called wunderwaffe. But I am not sure if the KWS would be the hot shot when there are F-15C/15J MSIP and Su-27SMs flying around.

If there are J-10A and J-11B, at least there should be PL-8B, because they are in service

I guess F-15C with AN/APG-63(V)1 radar, IR AAM AIM-9 sidewinder (AIM-9M & AIM-9M-9), MRAAM AIM-7M Sparrow and AIM-120 AMRAAM (AIM-120C-3 & AIM-120C-5) but without JHMCS

F-15J MSIP armament like F-15J but additional AAM-4 and no HMS, and equipped with AN/APG-63(V)1 radar from F-15C MSIP II (USAF)

Any chance we’d get the F-111B as a BR 10.7?

Is there a reason the F-15J MSIP here doesn’t list a HMD? It looks like it should be part of the upgrade, same with AAM-5 but obviously no AAM-5 for now. However it would really help it with AAM-3.

As far as I know, J-11A and J-11B are both PD radars, J-11BG/J-11BHG and J-11D are both AESA

Oh boy the Su-27SM and leopard 2A4M CAN Devblogs dropped, this should be pretty entertaining to spectate.

Too late you got to read hours of messages