Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Maybe, maybe not gotta wait and see

Nothing new.So do I.

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yeah pretty much my stance on the matter, even if they did get the F18C which I would at least feel cheated since we got stuck with a gripen with fully factious loadouts instead of a CF18 that would have been far more future proof, it would have zero cas and german mains would go back to complaining how they dont have a good multirole

who sais you’re stuck with the SApen?

it could just be that they add F-18C next major and add them to UK and GER at the same time

for that to happen we just have to perform bad enough

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lmao true just keep crashing and they might give us a CF18, and the reason I say they locked us out of it because in Gaijins eyes its no longer a gap (never mind the fact the SA gripen never used a single missile its armed with including the R-Darter)


Maybe a devblog, we’ll see.
Am expecting teaser Thursday and dev server Friday.

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and I’m expecting Pre order blogs today or Tomorrow
IF the premiums won’t be part of the teaser

ELSE I’m expecting pre order blogs on the day of the teaser or the day after

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I don’t think Gaijin will be planning on switching Germany & China around. In the future? Maybe… If it has a reason behind it, and if doesn’t then it will be a no.

are we formatting our predictions in SQL syntax now?

Lol jk, that sounds possible.
What time do dev streams drop in CEST? I used to watch them the next day when I was still living in Asia. Now I’m back I can just watch them as they happen.

I wouldnt be surprised if we get the event blog today/start of the cycle, if it began today, part 5 would end on the 6th of june? If it is the AVRE which would likely be a lower rank, 30k every 2 days for 5 stars seems possible with how gaijin runs things.

off topic but…


Droop snoot.


no it isnt maybe if people knew how to play them

also, i didnt mention it because your original comment didnt either

usually around 14:00-16:00

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In CEST blogs appear between 12:00 and 17:00 (basically office hours of the office in Hungary).

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yea Im trying to make my opinions as obvious as possible because people keep misinterpreting my messages

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I was looking for typical times of the dev stream. Should be later than 12:00 right?

Yeah. In CEST, it should be around 15-16:00, thereabout.

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Yes, the russian one is mostly at 15:00 CEST, while the English one is always an hour afterwards.

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the announcement usually drops before 12

I don’t think I’ve seen a stream this early tho

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