Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Copy and paste is never good unless it is absolutely necessary to fill a BR (not capability) gap.

Why? It cant fire aim 7’s iirc and only worked with AMRAAM’s

Because it can’t use AMRAAMS.

Thats what I thought. Didnt have the CW illuminator thingy for SARH but could fire ARH

Yeah its a block 40 f16D it should only have access to aim 120’s and IR missiles and i believe python 3’s and 4’s may take me a bit to find it but until someone is willing to show proof or mention a manual i wont beleive that it cant fire ARH

The only ARH missile the Barak II can use is the Derby. The Barak is the one with the ability to use the AMRAAM.

Its an AN/APG-76 radar yeah? It is a part of the A-6F family which specialied in ground attack and so it should have ARH functionality. If it can only fire Derby im assuming its a limitation enforced by the airforce for it?

It does have ARH functionality. It’s just that the only ARH missile it can use is the Derby.

i doubt that


Okay my bad on saying AMRAAM but regardless to my point earlier it is essentially the same as swedens gripen C of its a cas fighter given an ahistorical loadout for air for the time yet sweden got denied the C.

It definitely should be able to fire others, it may just be that Isreal only used Derby on it specifically

The difference is that the Gripen can and does use the AIM-9M, just not in Swedish service.

Sweden use Aim 9 L/i (basically 9m with amoke is how it works if brought to game)

From everything I’ve seen and read, the Barak II was used specifically as an attacker with a secondary role as a fighter, and thus wasn’t attuned to the AMRAAM, as they already had the Barak for that.

I know what the AIM-9Li is, and I never mentioned it or what was used in Swedish service.

Unless they changed the radar set it should be compatible. Only other thing i can think of is the pylon hardpoints may be different between missiles so Derby may have been used as a cheaper alternative. Just saying the radar it has is a part of theA-12/A-6F family which were specifically designed for AMRAAM.

Sweden did use it

They did not. Sweden went from the RB74 to the RB98. There have been people saying they also used the AIM-9Li, however I have seen no evidence of it.

They bought 9M in the 80s for the Viggens but never used for them and later put them on the Gripen they were still called RB74