Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Eh choosing between Germany and France as the place for a dutch sub tree is just 2 bad options, picking the least bad one.

pretty much lol

Isnt dutch more similar to low german than low german is to high german?

The Netherlands as a sub tree
WW2: Goes to France
Modern: Goes to Germany


Gib f4f ice.

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I think we all wish for that.

Because as of how sub-trees are done right now they hurt both the host tree and the sub-tree. Having it like that would allow it to bring all its stuff without having to worry about its unique stuff not coming because Gaijin picks C&P only for its sub-tree due to its one-line layout.

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I think that’s because sub-trees are picked based on WW2.

As seen based on ZA and Hungry.

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The Dutch used some French equipment post war, such as APCs, light tanks and helicopters.

Culture is also a horrendously bad argument for tree implementations.

It’s just an integrated command structure.
The army isn’t German, they just work very closely


Except Germany doesn’t even need a sub tree.


As a dutch person, any time I spend some time in Germany it feels like I’m traveling 10 years back in time lol.

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You want to suffer?

First time I hear that one. How do you say that in German? Thats hilarious.

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Sorry, I don’t know the german term, I’ve mostly seen it used in an english speaking context.

France neither if Gaijin wanted to really work on it, at least if it got the same treatment others got.

Also Germany already have some sort of subTT.
Mig 29 and other Russian stuff in the TT is not really “German”.

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In terms of MBT’s, France basically jumped from AMX-30/40’s to Leclerc’s, huge capability jump. There will always be that gap without sub trees.

Gaijin’s logic is add necessary addition for the TT, but now players are asking everything

~5 variants of amx30s with a stab exist.
More amx 32s and 40s could come.

There is 7 pre-prod/proto Leclercs.

And the shiton of light vehicle/APC/IFV that could come, we still have none of them.

Don’t tell me there is a lack of choice.


Up to around 9.7.

That are only slightly worse than the production versions, so around 11.3.

Notice the gap there. And that’s before any more future decompression.



You missed one sentence.