Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

We need the F/A-18C but apparently itd be too strong ( the pylons I assume)

J-11A is just Su-27SK but built under license in China, there’s no other difference between it and the J-11 (27SK built in Russia but assembled in China iirc).

Unless the J-8F is going to get PL-12s, PL-8Bs and booted to 12.7, the J-11B is the most likely addition since it was the 1st version with domestic upgrades to use PL-12s.

What are you scared?

So what? The MiG-29 is still op

Then we need Typhoon FGR4s with ASRAAM and Meteors

J-8F is getting PL-12s i think they said that in its dev blog that it can carry them etc

Yes Typhoon as well my fav 😍

one of the devs is batman? damn

Even the Typhoon DA too soon

December I hope. Especially if they do add F15Cs this update

Well, some stuff about F-15C is still up in the air, but it appears Russia would need Su-35 to even compete with Eurofighter iterations that didn’t equip MAWS, LWS, and etc now that I did the math. So perhaps December update.

B might be a bit advanced.

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Britain and italy are fine* but only so long Germany is going to last without them. But yeah. Questions for other nations will always exist. Thugh maybe AMRAAM will change the meta to a more BVR emphasis

That would be overkill.

So Would the F-18Es that maverick wants

“We need Eurofighter and Rafale now that Su-27SM is here!!!1111”

Advantages of Gripen C and Mirage 2000-5F:

  1. Shit ton more countermeasures (especially next patch once they separate chaff and flares)

  2. Better energy retention

  3. Better manueverability

  4. Better radars

Advantages of Su-27SM:

  1. More missiles

  2. Better IR missiles

Seems pretty balanced to me.

Needs to be an asterisk there. BOL are nerfed as hell at the moment

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But the Gripen is also a much lower IR signature than the Su-27, as well as being a small aircraft which helps against IFOVs, so it kinda cancels that out.

Only uses 1493 PESA radar, it should be a fit alongside F-15C

He also wants a T-90M event vehicle, a Palestinian Merkava (yes really) and a J-10C premium

He’s a goober

Also, Eurofighter would have all the advantages of both Gripen and Su-27SM without any of the downsides, makes it so that it doesn’t have a place in the game currently.

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