yeah we asked for British light tanks not SA, leopards would have been honestly better then the Olifants that are terrible, and the LAV III would have also made a very fun light tank, and as we are seeing now SA only prolonged how long we had to wait for biritsh light tanks, still missing multiple big ones like the FV601 or the FV107
How is that different from an Aussie Abrams or a Canadian Leopard?
Yes, I said the thing
It should have been a mix, not pure SA for a while. and there was a lot of just… unnecessary SA additions. Like the Bosvark 1 month apart from the Skink at the exact same BR. ZA-35 at the exact same BR as the Marksman and ATGM launcher thing at the exact same BR as the Striker.
Thats 3 SA vehicles that could be deleted without any negative impact on the rest of the tree. and yet we dont have an SPAA between 5.3 and 8.3, we dont have one between 8.3 and 10.3 and we have no IFVs or ATGM launchers above 8.3.
If they had added something from SA into one of those voids, then maybe it would have been better.
Because one of those could have replaced the Indian T-90 as our 10.3 SQV
I’ve never advocated for canadian leopards on our TT, but instead as SQVs and event vehicles. With native Canadian stuff like the LAVIII coming for our TT alongside the ADATS
because they at least would add to some of the line ups as we have never lacked MBTs for example a 2A6M would still be better then pretty much every challenger 2 and serve as a way to help boost it, but it doesnt stop gaijin from adding other MBT later
The primary issue is that this is circular reasoning.
There won’t be space unless space is made. The game doesn’t change itself, only Gaijin can.
It is very important that they have the will to change things.
For example, I want to play heavy tanks at higher BR than say 5.3 and enjoy it.
Gaijin are responsible for the way that those BR’s are overcrowded with HEAT slingers that can obliterate heavy armour. They could create a space wher late heavy tanks can brawl and occasionally encounter some of the less toxic HEAT-slingers, by moving lots of things up by a substantial amount.
They just categorically refuse to do that, insisting on compressing things further by adding new shiney powercreep that forces things down.
Problems they create.
Problems only they can fix.
Radical idea. If you want to play Leopard 2A6s go play Germany.
And that is why I wrote what I did.
Yep, @Tristacomand worded it better than I could.
If there is no space for it, then make space for it. Nothing shouldnt be added becaused it “might” not be good.
Tornado Gr4 might be DOA, it might be the META ground attacker. The one who decides that is Gaijin. But regardless of how they model it. Id still want it
Medium-range active radar homing guided Air-to-Air Missile and XM800T
I believe you not miss 2 devblog in friday. but new leak from discord
Shall remember that the next time i see germans asking for the F-16 or F-18
That ignores the issue since what you said in my eyes implied you should add things no matter how bad they would be in the situation they are brought in after addition.
Yesterday we had the XM800T and fox-3 devblog with teases for the Su-27SM and F-15C.
Nothing after that.
Huge difference
Germans are asking for those planes to fill a gap, so they have something to play until the Eurofighter. Same thing as the SA Gripen
Brits are asking for the Leopard because the Challenger is bad
Viggen D, tornado F3, etc might be weak at a higher BR with AMRAAM. Maybe they will be, maybe they wont. Its impossible to know for certain. But nothing would be weak with the correct BR placement and decompression.
But just because Gaijin cant balance anything and wont decompress the trees. doesnt mean the Viggen D and Tornado F3 shouldnt be added with AMRAAM. Instead a second should be added, foldered under the first. Want to play it. Play it. if you dont, you dont. Nothing lost either way
Those just aren’t superfluous.
I use all those things at the same time, because you need “thick” lineups with redundancy and capability at X br.
Marksman vs ZA-35 is a great example, because Marksman has way better traverse and elevation speeds, but ZA-35 has IRST which is much, much more accurate than the Marconi radar. One is heavy and slow, the other is light and fast. They compliment each other. I always take 2 AA in any lineup, so they work well for me, the Falcon is a great light tank but a terrble AA for 8.3
What’s even the big deal with it? What could have been 10.3 instead?
The deal here is you act like there’s some fixed rules like “Only 1 10.3 squadron vehicle per tree.” but Gaijin quite clearly just do whatever they like. There are no rules, only some guidelines or suggestions. But they just don’t act with the consistency that rigid rules would imply.
Good for you man.
The problem is, we are now facing down the barrel of having a Mig-21 in our tree, replacing a british aircraft addition.
An aircraft that has no buissness even being within a 1000 miles of our TT. Its a horrific and stupid addition
This is true if we assume Gaijin would overhaul the whole game to bring let’s say a single vehicle into the game.
But that brings us away from the point I wanetd to contest which was that not adding something which would be bad be it it’s own performance or being bad for the game could never be reasonable.
Yeah, Challengers should just be moved down in BR along with Arietes. Even if they were modelled 100% accurately they’d still be shit.