Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

…why would they do any BR changes for a test environment on a dev server with a set pool of aircraft and loadouts?

FCK1 most likely



I havent seen any photos that have it with missiles on the 2 pylons that have fuel tanks so might actually just be 4 AMRAAMs

4 at most, taking 4 means you have no WVR missiles and no guns

so 2 AMRAAMs + 2 sidewinders + cannons?

maybe we can take one gun and one AMRAAM, still this thing won’t be as good as you think, even with AMRAAMs



nope because AMRAAMs take up the pylons for either the guns or the AIM9s so its either 2 to 4 AIM9s (if it gets the dual launchers) and guns or 2 to 4 AIM9s 2 AMRAAMs or 4 AMRAAMs

Just attach the missiles to the fuel tanks and launch them together, for more range.

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ok 2 sidewinders, 2 AMRAAM and 1 Gun

ok that thing ain’t a treat

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that would be fucking cursed as shit lol

5 second reload taking in account rheinmetall patents, altough it could be different

Somehow it makes sense to add a fox 3 F16 to France thats already getting MICAs, while Germany gets just F4F ICE. Makes sense.

but could we take one gun and one AMRAAM?

uh maybe? not sure Ive only ever seen it with 2 or without them never seen one of each

WhAt AbOuT gErOmAnY doesn’t matter here, Belgium and the Netherlands can bring AMRAAM vipers so one of them will.

so we pray to the snail

Honestly I wouldn’t bother with the gun, if you’re close enough to use it you’re probably dead anyway and you won’t have the nose authority to get it on target against any of the planes you’re likely to meet. Taking 2 AMRAAM on the fuselage instead and swapping to 4 AIM-9M will probably be more useful than 2+2+gun

Gaijin i don’t know what you need to do to achieve this, but I want plushie aircraft decorations.
I am so tempted to order this goofy looking thing to go eith my Vulcan plushie

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could get an Argentinean F16 or I could say what german mains told me back when british players were asking for something since the Harrier Gr7 was our best plane “lmao no just wait for the EFT”

but yeah no F16 from Argentina makes the most sense

time to wait for the good stuff