Yep, C-5 equivalent in range, but a bit faster and likely a bit more agile, at the cost of being limited to 4 rather than the 8 AMRAAMs that can be carried.
They can also not be used together with AMRAAMs from what I understand, so it’ll always be a choice between more or better missiles.
Though they also are stated to be hidden from RWR, so if that is implemented the higher weight per missile and lower missile count might be well worth it.
yeah they are still pretty much copy and past russian planes with slight differences so the point still stands lol
Ehhh, I wouldn’t mind if the tech trees you play gets more C&P, especially if there’s no alternatives.
the problem is we have AIM120As no C5s…
You can still play the french vehicles
After Buccaneer S.2B and before Tornado GR.1
How so?
Germany gets GERMAN operated copy paste that they HISTORICALLY operated on GERMAN soil, how is that the same thing as France getting a Dutch Leopard?
You might get some people mad at you, but I’m with you.
it isnt but it was in reference to “go play germany if you want leopard” if you want migs go play russia
Doesn’t really matter, at this point make all the countries into one tech tree if everyone is going to have the same thing.
I mean theres no balance in the ARHs, right?
Because all nations need to get them, and some came into the ARH game later, their first missiles are far better than the first missiles of USA/USSR etc
Only one boat? Kind of weird to see a tech tree CBT start with only one vehicle, usually there’s two, one cheaper/lower and one more expensive/higher br.
That is actually weird then… Maybe they still plan on adding C-5s?
dont worry the uk has SA which only has 2 copy and past vic (how ironic its the worst sub tree lol )
At least they added a lot of unique things. Looks at Finland and Hungary
thing is there might be a 0.3 br gap between all of these planes? also the Derby and R-Darter are even worse then the AMRAAM not to mention Mica and AAM-4
what CBT? if you’re referring to the boat Germany already has a bluewater and coastal line
Well the case is that namer is also a lot more tanky, more importantly, Israel has a decent fighter and an interesting helicopter as CAS options and there is actually a point to spawn CAS(by playing IFV).
Germany on the other hand can win by playing ground battles if things like SM3 or JH7A doesnt come, and its CAS options are rather bad.