Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

I wish they add more modern variants of the Mirages 2000Ds, the fighter line can wait, even if we can have more there too, but the attacker line would be nice with a 2000D R2, or even the 2000D RMV that could use MICAs alongside cool upgrades and new A2G weaponry.

China doesn’t use Su-27SM

France gets BeNeLux, those lucky devils.

Basically, at least for absolute top tier…

though maybe we can officially table Typhoon and rafale as a “maybe” for September if that does happen

so just the UK getting fucked gotcha lol

DEFA’s on Mirage2000’s does have increased ROF which makes it little bit better then original ADENS.


UK will still have AMRAAMs on Sea Harriers and Tornado F.3s, depending on what they get this update

R-Darter instead of AMRAAM for our Gripen is 100% to make sure we have the worst ARH. Bug reports for it are going to be really hard as the UK never used it, so finding data and info is gunna be a pain. And like Skyflash, SRAAM and Red Tops, they’ll be last to be overhauled

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and you think those airframes will be able to compete with F15Cs?

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Please dont make me grind more on the F.3

Hopefully the FA2

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All we can do is officially hopium for that.

Their airframes don’t have to compete. Only their missiles.

The unique DEFA on Rafales have a 2 500 rpm. Almost a little gatling, but with one gun :p

Also with a 1 025 m/s velocity, so could be much easier to aim with (but better have a REALLY good trigger skill)


Also I still dont understand why people loathe the idea of the F18C being added now other then its absurd pylon count it wont be much better then what we have


If they get aircraft at 13.3 that are equal in capabilities to the Typhoon… Then… We should begin to consider it as a real possiblity. The question will be though, does gaijin want to uptier us for 3 months or 6

yep pretty much, considering R-darter was never even mounted on the Gripen since it wasnt even in service anymore when the gripen entered SA service they should have just given us the AMRAAM, at least I’m used to not bringing BVR since we already had the worst in game lol

imo much better than a Gatling because it doesn’t need to rev up

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I know Xd.

Hopefully we will recieve Rafale in 1-2 years.

The airframes certainly can’t compete but the radars certainly can combined with the missiles (Sea Harrier FA.2 and Tornado F.3)