French coastal apparently.
I think it was 5, presumably 2 premiums and an event tank so only 2 actual tech tree additions (people including myself dont even want the Bison added to the tree)
2 premiums? I would u derstand the bison whats the other one?
HMS Queen Mary since they just took Orion out of the shop
Eh maybe i guess, naval isnt my spate
so yeah presumably only tech tree additions are the Sea harrier and desert warrior which both are nice I think the sea harrier unless its lower then 12.3 will be DOA and the desert warrior will be very nice to finally have a new IFV
Anyone know what the leak from discord was, if not where should I look to find it?
Thats a great screenshot but where/how does this lead to it showing today’s blog will be the MiG-21-93?
I want to believe you but am not seeing it yet.
This might be a little off topic, but here it is anyways.
Since we know ARH missiles (FOX-3) are coming this update, Macekeeks and I made a little post here about a possible ARB rework to better accommodate such weapons, and try to fix some other issues as well. Here’s the thread.
We would appreciate if you took a look.
Wasnt anything noteworthy, its the principality why there is “drama” and someone not being able to follow silple rules
What are the chances of enabling the ability to change rounds from the breech, instead of having to fire them ? It is a significant handicap and a fundamental disconnect with authenticity.
The Chinese text means Today…maybe
Not a high priority
Thanks Shini
ah thx, for some reason text recognition couldn’t high light it.
Who is the poster? The regular Chinese leaker?
He’s not a regular leaker, but he did made some leaks in the past.
thx, so that is a decent lead then. Thanks for sharing.
Watching the baby monitor on my phone. Normally I just select the text in the image, which MacOs usually is quite good with but this time it didn’t work. Other than troubleshooting I figured I asked the guy just posting it.