Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

I feel like it’s the Churchill AVRE.

I mean if the first one was a aircraft event to mark victory day, then the next one has to be for D-Day.

And the AVRE is just too much of a abomination to be a regular GE vehicle.

theres enough AVRE for an event one. a ge one and 2 ones in a folder

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I believe they’re just pushing the schedule back for this D-Day tank

would be sad but hey at least that’d be a nice event vehicle for once

Another sherman?

Well I wouldn’t put this thing in the tech tree



why not? could use a new Meme tank everyone can get

and everyone can still get : P

I know I’m just telling ImperialAdmiral it ain’t like forever gone it just being pushed back to make way for the D-Day Event.

oh right since the event yak-3 was a premium seems like they will do atleast premiums up to rank 3. maybe rank 4 event premiums who knows

Premium event Vehicles tend to be from rank 1 to 3 (Sometimes 4 but that’s on really rare occasions)
Anything rank 4 or above tends to be a normal event vehicle.

I mean there are 2 Churchill AVREs that use the “230 mm petard spigot mortar”.

So one could be event and the other GE.

That’s not talking about the other AVREs that even has a HESH using Churchill AVRE from post-war.

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My copium prediction: Blog Wednesday, followed by Teaser Thurs and Stream Fri. Realistically maybe 1 blog this week all the other stuff the following.

most likely yes

That is one hell of copium, Do you have any to spare? :>

We might get two this week who knows.

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230mm motar?

that puts British Meme armor back on the map! sure it’s not quite a Sturmtiger but it’s close

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My own stock is running low so unfortunately not)))

Damn… Oh well.

tomorrow blog about event and friday dev blog. next week teaser and stream and dev server

Well i dont know about that

buuuuut the Dev Server had one or two updates (for me) in the past days and is showing 1.89 sooo… might be something might be Copium ;P