Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

because the mig29 was limited by absolutely shit teams full of noobs.

people have given them proof that they are different, not to mention there are plenty of things in game they dont have enough data on yet are still here, 2s38 for example or any tank from the 2000 onwards

Where did they get the guidance delay though? Doesn’t it currently have the lowest guidance delay out of all SARHs or am I mistaken?

Apart from how AIM-7F/M have 0 guidance delay, yeah it’s 0.35 seconds.

so any game at 11.3 now days

Proof they are different wasn’t needed.

Specific proof how they actually perform was needed.

Something equivalent to this:

The strongest evidence I ever saw anyone come up with was “Well some document says 35g, so there.” which is not really that strong evidence. Anyone can state some theoretical peak overload in unspecified circumstances and call it a day, but that’s not good enough.

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Ok and they say don’t share you don’t share simple as that

I really hope I don’t have to tap the sign:



Didnt the F-4F ICE receive a new HUD?

F4e peace icarus got a new hud and mfds but f4f ice was the old screen and hud afaik.

F4F regular doesn’t have a HUD tho?

Well at least for the ADF we bvvd say directly that they were working on another F-16 for the us for that update on the dev stream iirc.

Whatever you want to call the gunsight.

Any chance of news today or can i go back to sleep?

go to sleep


Not today. Maybe tomorrow. Find Yutani.

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Castle doesn’t have the last letter of the latin alphabet on it.

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@DirectSupport congratulation you ruined it