Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

I don’t think R-27ER should have been added, I’ll just put that on the table first.

As it stands, R-27R would’ve been more or less the same but a bit worse than AIM-7M. Largely because the planes that carry them have worse radars for whatever reason.

If we took R-27ER from Su-27 we’d have to put it down in BR, even after JAS39 goes up in BR like it damn well should.

So, for the moment, it’s a type of “asymmetrica balance” good missile bad radar vs worse missile and good radar.

im gonna be hoenest the R-27ER doesnt need a buff its currently the best BVR missile in game, if it did get a buff they would most likely have to up the BR on a lot of aircraft that can carry it

AIM-9X is so OP. ADD R-37M!!!11!

Whatever the reason those leaks aren’t posted outside a small(ish) trusted circle, is why those leaks get posted just there and not elsewhere.

So either the leakers would stop leaking there since it’s too high profile, or Gaijin would have enough information to catch whomever is leaking.

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Yeah of course. Though remember it got a buff from 30g to 35g coupled with a massive change to its overall burn time and other stuff? Basically gutted its ability to retain energy on net. More Gs wouldn’t necessarily help it IMHO.

Mostly it’s a matter about principles. Implement what there is evidence for, but also space in the game, if something is too disruptive, find a substitute. Fudging numbers for balance isn’t my preferred way, yet it’s one of Gaijin’s apparent ways.

yeah no I dont get why they do that, in some ways it makes sense others it doesnt, like them refusing to give stingers their IRL G limit even though it would barley change much in game

idc lol

Why is this myth/lie still around. It’s been disproven so many times by now. They already had plans to add the ADF to the US tree in that update if it was ready in time.

How about you don’t leak it huh

and lets be real if the Mig29 came without the ADF it would have probably stomped since the A doesn’t have any BVR

i dont get whats going on lol are we not allowed to send screenshots of the server or something

that was the patch the ml was added so soviet win rates tanked. they didnt add the f4s until the spring patch that followed.

The problem is the server is publicly available to join, and Smin is also in there, so it’s not like they’re hiding it.

he is aware he can just be kicked from the server right?

??? If Gszabi posts something in a server where it’s publicly available, kinda ridiculous to then ask that it don’t be leaked. Anyone can join the server.

what does the 23ML have anything to do with how good the mig29 would have done?

Okay, do that then.

I actually believe their argument on this matter.

That there’s not enough specific data on how Stinger/Mistral work to significantly differ them from Igla, so they assume they’re close enough to Igla since they have specific data on it.

Well, since the lie about “Spall liners only for T-90M because Russian Bias” still goes around, who knows.

Iirc, the biggest buff they did was a massive reduction in guidance delay which helped its manueverability.

Not sure where they got that info from.