Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)


I cast Pr. 24


U forget seperate brs are coming as well. Tornado air br will be lowered as well. To like 10.7 where chaff is relevant and we dont see pure pd radars etc

Tbh, I think this can be partly explained by the grind. I imagine that many have already passed those tiers, meaning they can’t play B26 Marauder or Razorback P47 and still grind efficiently.

I would almost exclusively play props if it weren’t for the fact that my RP reward is nuked by tier difference. Since I have a limited amount of time to play each day I want to make them count.

If it’s not deplaced to next update.

roll for initiation

no people enjoy it


10% of a whole playerbase, surely

I raise my Jean Bart in late AA configuration, with a no fly zone around it:

And it’s friend Colbert, with 8x2 127mm guns and 10x2 57mm guns for really annihilate planes and armorless ships, full Dakka dakka way

Or it’s brother De Grasse:

Come on Gaiin, our navy is terrible on WT, make it cool !


I unleash to you the wisdom of naval games that prioritize in naval outside of War Thunder

Im just malding because I’ll never see a god damn humvee with a TOW launcher in this game

thats still a lot of the people, if we get 70k players daily thats 7k


As a company, which side of the playerbase do you think they care about pleasing the most?

Where’s glorious Luxembourg when you need it…

I just want them for high end 3rd gen platforms. JA37Di my beloved

omg, its THE Texas_Engineer_Mike

the me yes indeed

your only flaw is flying a gripen, truly most unfortunate

Imagine FAVs/DPVs in War Thunder…

Dont make me more upset please