Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Funny enough when I went to Belgium I did eat Belgium waffles. lol it was part of a WW1 trip

Nu ><

Not as much of a myth as the big upside-down land I live in is.

Sesion ID : 2dd9bad002cd1bf .
I dropped two laser bombs targeting Russian vehicles with a payload of 117 kg and only destroyed their rifle. What’s wrong with your game, is it somehow politically oriented or what?


Short answer: yes.

Long(er) answer: Gaijin is a Russian company.


No that’s my house :0

I always love these type of comments just shows you want attention than fixing the game

No mate if some drop on your head 100 kg TNT its not drop your hat, its kill you . I do not understand what is going on

Did you have any kind of bomb delay?

yes 0.5 s

Please do a bug report or a thread please : )

Switch to Assault fuse. but yes, this is the wrong thread

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If you ever meet a 6-foot 4 man in Brussels, don’t worry; he’ll give you a vegemite sanger.


The main reason why I think this is fake is that, on locked tanks, the preview shell on the main gun munitions is one of the stock shells, while here, presumably the top rank modification shell is displayed for some reason.

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Also, ya know, 12.0 and aim9x

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It certainly has evidence of being fake; 3BM59 is present, which is a sidegrade to 3BM60, as well as not having lower ammunition options.

If T-80BVM is above T-80UK, and T-80UK is above ZTZ-99A or Abrams, you think far too highly of [arguably love] Russian equipment too much. T-80UK has significantly better armor than T-80BVM, and that makes its slightly slower speeds worth it.
Pantsir being incapable of fragging fixed wing CAS is an issue. I hope all ten tech trees get SPAA better than Pantsir sooner rather than later as it’s well over a year in necessity.

There are some vehicles where it’s not. I can’t think of any off the top of my head, but I do know that I’ve seen it before.

3BM59 is marginally better than 3BM60.


Thats what I thought, its the DU variant of the shell no?