They don’t have an aircraft that can use Fox-3s, and America is getting a C.
Because they state the AAM-4 will be added to Japan. That can only be guided by the F-15J or a late F-2.
Fair enough
Gotcha, thanks
Now that is something I can work with
Ha thats pretty cool, kinda reminds me of how sneaky the gun is on the F-18, it took me an embarrassing
amount of time to figure out where it is lol
what missiles are those?
now search the Typhoon gun
AASM Hammer, top notch guided A2G bombs :p
Can’t wait to have them ingame on modernized 2000Ds before the Rafale.
If only, an actual Kh-38 comparable weapon
so yeah the early eurofighters did have AIM9s interesting, pared with AIM120As we could see them pretty soon tbh
This is some Freud looking for eel testicles type shit
Germans going crazy with those liveries
Russia having chronic over-expecting to be catered too again.
It would look cool in the ASB, you fly into the ASB and the enemy is on your tail, the speeds drop and you do something like a cobra and the enemy sees this tiger on his back. It would look just great. For example, in some kind of synimatics.
I don’t play Russia. (and never will)
I just expect it because it always happens.
FOX-3’s for F4E-J Kai and Kurnass 2000 Please