Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Same thing I said lol

so he does play the meta gotcha which was my main point to begin with but like hyrikul said no point in continuing this and may as well just ignore them


1.) those were top tier at one point

2.) I just said 3 most played fighters, not only top tier

3.) those 3 specifically people love to dog on because they don’t know how to make aircraft work and instead chase some pathetic ‘meta’ pick.

btw you never explained why israel is getting the F15C

Im genuinely curious as to why you think that

Except doubt the trailer gonna show more than the new F15 and Mig :p

I honestly thought we’d get preorder blog today.

Leo for Germany something for Russia and if lucky something for France or China.

yeah most likely lol

Why wouldn’t Israel get one?

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Sea Harrier Fa.2 (my beloved)

If US and Japan gets one, no reason to not give Israel one as well.


Why would they not when the US and Japan are getting an F-15C and an upgraded J?

Inb4 Kfir C.10

Yeah… Im ready to power grind that so fast.

I’ve got 3 airframes nearly spaded to finish spading and dump about 100k RP straight into it. And im working on a few more as well

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I just dont see the point other than “Because America is getting one”. I just dont want people creating false expectations i guess

Same dude im edging my Tornado mods so hard

I’m ready to go back to the MiG-29G for the F-4F ICE. I’m very curious as to what arguments Alvis will use to try to convince everyone it’s as good as the MiG-29SMT after release.


tbh i might just hold off on playing top tier jets till the EFTs come, already got all the jets for the uk in rank 7 and 8 besides the buc s2B, which with the br changes seems like ill never really wanna get it lol

Why would Japan get an upgraded J?

I did that with the FRS1e. The last mods on each row a little over 50% complete. not gunna take more than 1 match to finish it

Every tier 8 Israeli aircraft other than the Kurnass 2000 came with its American counterpart. It is illogical to think that this will be any different.

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