Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

I bet youre feeling really stupid right now.



France’s new top tier coastal


Actually give one of guys MG and it will be viable as a coastal TT unit)

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We need proper top tier “IFVs”, like the Ajax, EBRC, and CCV.

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@mr_boo thoughts on this belgium leak?


sure, still many of the issues that these nations have is not that they didnt get a newer vehicle, in plenty of cases the situation wouldnt improve unless some of the but reports goes through and they fix the already existent tanks, for example the chinese tanks are waiting for the spall liners and the several of the model issues which in my opinion would actually make them more efficient or like on the Leclerc and merkava armor.

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Canadian ^^

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no, quite frankly they arent even a fraction as bad


canada is a myth created by big syrup


Syrup out here?

You’d find more Dinosaur bones than syrup west of Manitoba.

Oh boy pt 3 already. Something tells me this will get locked by the end of the month.

Funny enough when I went to Belgium I did eat Belgium waffles. lol it was part of a WW1 trip

Nu ><

Not as much of a myth as the big upside-down land I live in is.

Sesion ID : 2dd9bad002cd1bf .
I dropped two laser bombs targeting Russian vehicles with a payload of 117 kg and only destroyed their rifle. What’s wrong with your game, is it somehow politically oriented or what?


Short answer: yes.

Long(er) answer: Gaijin is a Russian company.


No that’s my house :0

I always love these type of comments just shows you want attention than fixing the game

No mate if some drop on your head 100 kg TNT its not drop your hat, its kill you . I do not understand what is going on