Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Yes yes yes AND F YES

guy nobody of us says it coming next update. The f-18 is not coming for another 2-3 updates. The grippen and f-18 do not come into any conflict


A actual note peeps if a list contains a F-2 for Japan and a Gripen for Italy it’s 100% fake

Sorry to bring it up again, but was the EAP flat out denied on the basis that it couldn’t carry weapons? Or just temporarily denied as it’s too advanced of an airframe?

again, you are the one making the problem the whole time, nobody of us said its coming this update. we are only saying when f-18 get added 3-4 updates in the future, finnland will get it as well

I said its not gonna come next update and they started throwing shit like it will

Then drop this rant

You said multiple times that there is no reason to add the F-18
And that sounds a lot like you mean ever, especially with how many times you said it

So drop it dude, and get back on topic

when did we get that info?

Guys just set him to ignore, will make your feed look shorter

i wasn’t serious

and when I clearly stated 300 times that will not come next update they started arguing like it will, check what they said 10 mins ago

Multiple leaks

My favorite rn


no, that wasnt the problem , the problem was u said it shouldnt come to finland because they have the grippen

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We all know typhoon is coming next major update 😜

no gun, no weapons

simply not able to fight ing

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thats no official statement that says the grippen isnt happening

Iirc the person said the line will end at the Mig-29 I will go an look for it

Realest statement

All we know is the we are getting Hungarian air tree, but I wouldn’t be surprised if we have to wait for the Grippen until the Fox 3 update

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