Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

yes but it doesnt matter, they are just fun aircraft people would be intrested to play. Even now many play F-16C and F-15A at the same time. Not everything needs to be meta. it can just be fun to try out new aircraft and what they can do since they do handle differently. Besides that the finnish playerbase would love the representation of their vehicles in the game


Can y’all stop talking about something that isn’t even coming this update


they clearly said that f18 is not coming next update and in no close period theres simply nothing to argue

from my POV f18 could make circles around an F22 and destroy all 200 units of them before an F22 would even see it coming. If they said NO its nothing to argue

it’s getting ridiculous man, cut it please


u havent gave any fair opinion just cut it yourself

if they said that ITS NOT COMING, ITS NOT COMING!!

you just shout some brainmush wtf

either be it a 8th gen aircraft or not

This game has never been about what a nation “needs”
That’s a community driven approach

The Devs just keep the status quo, everyone has a rank 7, everyone has a rank 5, ect, ect

This isn’t a CS2 like competitive game
It’s a military vehicle game with some cool models
The F-15 will come because it’s Iconic, and because people ask for it
And that’s all the reason Gaijin needs

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Only 140 replies left. Keep arguing bros we will reach part 3 soon

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short off topic, i get southeastern city WAY TOO MUCH

ok, rant over :D

Thank you for being logical.
It’s very surprising how emotional people get about this

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Look, if they said that F18 is not coming is simply not coming. I couldn’t care less about how good F18 is. They said multiple times that its not coming. Probably they chose an appropriate gripen variant. WHATS TO NOT UNDERSTAND?

Thank you

It doesn’t bother me

There are worse maps

did smin deny legacy hornets as well?

its not coming for any nation buddy, that has nothing to do with the grippen. Its just not coming at all not for the US either

Sorta. Over a month ago he said Hornets weren’t coming

But because we haven’t seen F-18 form any of our trusted leakers I don’t think it’s coming.

We just have zero reason to talk about them. There isn’t a single sign that they might come this update, and personally I think they are wating for the Fox 3’s next update