Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

10-4 thanks

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A lot of possibilities

“The Ram”?

CF-101 is definitely one, but here’s the problem: it has no guns, and uses exclusively the AIM-4 Falcon. A missile which has been denied.

My bad, not 1 year ago…it was in 2021

Almost 3 years ago wow

A lot of our tanks are American and British during WW2, we did have some domestic designs/modifications though such as the M4A5 Ram, Grizzly, and artillery pieces.

Post WW2, we focused on Leopards and IFVs tbh.


Funny lynx


But yea having the Alpha jet and a Leo doesn’t fit in the British tree but the Leo won’t fit in Germany ether.
If they have the Turkish one.

So yea an Independent tree make the most sense

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i wouldn’t say that
why was the Alpha to Uk in the list if it was for a new tree
im not seeing it

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I know. They’ve denied things and then gone back on it a few years later but the denial was too recent so I’m indeed not expecting it.

Remember the Sa’ar and Sanbad those were under France for a long time in the files.
Same with a Ram II that is sat in the British section.

It’s just away of organising things before they put the coding in for the main tree

i see now its making a bit more sense
but why isn’t the Leopard being split then

Funny thing is, I wouldn’t be surprised if Gaijin rolls back their denial on Falcons once we have the Hornet and such in-game, since that could justify Gaijin going back and add additional Century Series planes. I could also see Gaijin over time adding a few more planes that used the Falcon, so they could add them sorta en masse once all that’s done.

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Maybe they finally added Canada in between the Alpha jet and the Leo models.

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im don’t know what you mean

M4A5 “Ram”, yes.

Back in November or October 2021, The Ram Mk 1 Early and Mk 2 Late were passed for consideration.

You mean split between two nations like France and Britain ? As the same as the AJ

Oh yeah, I have a pic of those…I find them on Reddit and everyone say it’s fake

It’s Reddit, they have nothing better to do.
The variants did exist lol.

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