Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

I just know that USA tree have 2 aircraft premium pack rank 7

Or F-20 Tigershark might be first premium golden eagle at rank 7 ?

I doubt it’ll be a GE aircraft.

I could see Gaijin possibly either begin to phase out stuff like the F-5C or F-4S, or they could just simple add another higher rank premium than either

why would gaijin phase out the two most profitable air premiums they’ve released in like, actually half a decade?

No idea
Maybe if Gaijin figures out another premium that’s more profitable or something

It could always be a rank 9 aircraft prem

thats the german version btw.
pointy nose: german
round nose: french


they would not kill a current cash cow to release another, they ALWAYS wait until it stops selling before doing so

are you ignoring the french roundels or something?

my brother in christ…
please check the roundels again … holy jesus lmfao


I’d guess so.
Gaijin seems to be willing to add more premiums though, especially if it’s one they figure will sell well along with all the others.

I could absolutely see it as a Rank 8 prem though

please check the roundels again … holy jesus lmfao


and now you…

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I’m not saying they won’t add it as a premium, they might. I’m saying they wouldn’t de-list the others.

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Right, and I’d agree with that.

The F-20 would serve as basically an F-16A-15 ADF lite, but with bombs, rockets, and Mavericks/30mm gunpod.

On that topic, I could see Gaijin add AMRAAM-As to the ADF, if those are coming this update (same with the F-20)

Yep, Britain got some ex-luftwaffe alpha jets for testing or something


french alpha jet

UK alpha jet

german alpha jet

guess there are still ppl in this day and age who cant tell french roundels apart from british ones


F-20 wouldn’t get AMRAAMs and also be a premium unless gaijin is willing to be that shit and release amraams below 12.7

I mean, I just made a mistake. No need to get pissy.

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I think id still prefer the Hawk though

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In their defense, it IS weird for the RAF to use the French tricolor.


Not necessarily

From the other side id guess it would be blue, white and red. Issue when both country’s use basically the same colours for their flags