Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

And its coming with the A hornets

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A+ would be useless tbh. Rest is good

It looks like it, but I don’t know about the accuracy of every item on their lists.

All I know is certain high profile things like Type 81, F-111, F-15, Su-27, etc have been there and correct. If they’re posting corrections too as you mentioned, then that’s even more credence to the list being correct because they’ve corrected their leaks in the past (which means F-2 and O4A in the running still).

Man, if that’s the case, they must have a good eye or something cause I don’t know names of half of these vehicles lol. If they’re actually wrong about the F-2, I want to know what they saw that they mistook it for because I’d think the F-2 is distinct and famous enough to not be confused with like an F-20, but maybe it’s a Thai F-16 they mistook it for (I can understand people mistaking the F-2 and F-16 especially if there’s no textures on the model yet).


Yea that’s a point a person mistook the Thai F-16 as the F-2 that make sense now


If thats true that just makes things more interesting…i mean one leaks said new top JP plane…but its not F-2 but if they mistook whatever model as an F-2 then that would imply a new F-16 of some kind for Japan…


If the F-20 comes as a prize, I want the variant with the F-16’s engine

Given the recent PTD was full of Thai stuff it does make a lot of sense.


F/A-18+ (1993) like F/A-18C but before integrated AIM-120C and used General Electric F404-GE-400 engine from F/A-18A

F/A-18C (1999) upgraded with General Electric F404-GE-402, armed BVRAAM AIM-120C-3 and GPS guidance munitions (JDAM)

F/A-18E Block I with General Electric F414-GE-400 engine & AN/APG-73 RUG II radar, IR AAM AIM-9M-10, MRAAM AIM-120C-5, GPS guidance munitions and GPS/INS stand-off long-range guidance bomb


Passed to Dev means absolutely nothing on what’s coming to game, other than the forum mods think the suggestions made are popular and/or high enough quality to pass them on to the devs.

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Wouldn’t surprise me a bit
Other nation getting better variant of the jet before US

My AV-8B Harrier suggestion was passed all the way back in April of 2023
Almost a year since it was passed yet it still isn’t in game
Just an FYI so don’t get your hopes too high

Its getting treated well though, by some of the best top tier players.

Yes this message is a part of the conspiracy

has to be soon

There are suggestion which were passed 2014 and still aren’t ingame or even worse vehicles on the roadmaps which aren’t ingame. The sdkfz 222 was on the chinese roadmap and got added only last year. Stug 4 still isn’t ingame

I mean it’s ether a Thai F-16 or a Korean one

Or Elefant, which I personally thought Gaijin forgot
Until it was added as a BP reward

Just to clarify, being passed to the developers for consideration does not mean any guarantee of implementation or any specific timeframe. Just that the suggestion topic itself will be considered.


I am fully aware of that
I was trying to clarify that to @Deathmisser

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Yea I know how PTTD works just that some were very close.

But tbh I wasn’t using the PTTD as the main argument here.

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We need late F/A-18C as starting point