Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Despite JAS39 flying around completely ruining the BR. Which was already ruined by F-16 flying around. Which was-

bla bla bla until we go back to the launch of the game.

It’s a pretty consistent behaviour from Gaijin to have some phobia about BR increases.

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Yeah i dont see Tirpitz coming but if the leak is true its also possible…with thing’s like Mutsu and its 410mm guns…we could also see other 16inch BBs to counter Tirpitz…maybe…

I wonder what ship Chinese guy leaked…


Scharnhorst should probably already be 7.7-8.0 already. Seriously. There is no equal on any nation. There is no BB on any other nation currently that can be moved up. Tirpitz has equal calibre to the Hood and virtually the same armour as the Scharnhorst. It would dominate every. Single. match. Like the Scharnhorst does.

We’d need ships like HMD Rodney with 16 inch guns just to stand a hope in countering it. Maybe even post WW2 stuff like HMS Vanguard or even later.


Can you reduce the image and spoil it, please? It takes up way too much space. /s


I think they need to do a round of 7.0-7.3 BBs first. Maybe even adding stuff like the KGV for example.

and then we could see a round of heavy BBs like Tirpitz, Bismark, Yamato. Etc

But if I see Scharnhorst currently. Its basically GG. That game is lost unless our entire team focus fire it down. Its kinda insane


So you’re proving my point no? Gaijin ALREADY has that setup in naval. The only thing that can take down Scharnhorsts are hordes of Des Moines and Helena. Naval is pretty much already a joke dominated by US autoloaders.

Fine, add an 8.3 BB then. It wont actually see any 7.0s anyway

We’ve known they’re going to add it at some point for a relatively long time, it was in

( new - Album on Imgur )

Also, Oliviia leaked Mutsu alongside the event vehicles for the most recent W.I.N.T.E.R. event - so we can be sure that gjn 's finally working on the last intermediates between the BB 's we’ve got now and the end-of-end ones in WT Mobile. Maybe it wouldn’t be a total surprise for them to start appearing now.

Hey, it 's another plane we might get AShM 's on !


I wish they stop adding 3.0/4.0 DDs for France and flush the top of the tree.

How are we supposed have impact in the game against Scharnorst, Alaska or Kronshtadt with our olds BBs Paris and Lorraine ?

We are just food, and we don’t even are able to help capping without coastal.

And some people want Tirpiz and other? Pfft…

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Same for Britain. We keep getting destroyers too.

Whilst we do have Hood. Its a bit of a glass cannon.

We need a proper battleship. Something that can actually take a few hits.


One is from last update, and the other is complete bollocks. there is no “Skyflash MK2”

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Best I can do is HMS Renown at same BR as Scharnhorst.

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At least a glass canon can do dammage ^^

What i should do with a Paris against a Scharnorst? Ramming it and hoping my explosion damage it a little and remove a junk of paint ? xD

Yeah, and that is a joke in itself. It should be like 6.7. Maybe even 6.3. A light cruiser can 1 shot the Renown.

There is no reason for the Renown to be 7.0 and it cannot fight a Scharnhorst. Scharnhorst wins before you can really do any meaningful damage. the 15 inch AP rounds barely have enough pen.

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I think a big decompression is really needed for naval.

Specially if we gonna reach one day more modern ship with missiles.

We need decompression and “invisible” wall between some BRs or era ships.

Older BBs/dread should meet only older BBs, not WW2 one, and so on.


Yeah, that would work well

Battleship Mutsu. Nagato class. With 4x2 410mm main caliber



Love the “broken” shape in the front of some Japanese ships like that.

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After all she is the only big seven to sink another.

Yes the mutsu sank herself